A fellow by the name of Jake Schultz has released an app in Cydia and Rock, that collects a bunch of tutorials and info on what to do with your newly jailbroken device.
There is a video tab, with links to many video tutorials on the very basics of jailbreaking, like how to SSH into your device, using MobileTerminal, installing DEB files, and more.
There is also a blog tab, which is just a link to the publishers blog, but has great up to date info on what’s going on in the jailbreak world. They keep it updated daily, so you don’t have to worry about getting old info.
If you think you can contribute to the info presented in this app, you can submit your own stories or videos, via the Submit tab. It is just a link to email the publisher, but you can include links to as many things as you want to submit.
All in all this is a decent resource, for someone just getting started in the jailbreak world. I would have liked to see more on customizing in the video section, as this is one of the big reasons a lot of folks jailbreak their device. For some one who is “seasoned” in jailbreaking, this app may seem elementary to you, and probably not worth the money. You can find all of this info with your good friend Google.
Kudos to the publisher for trying to make it easy for the n00bs out there! ;)
Its a scam all I get is advertising no informatiion