This application, which was available from Cydia for free, has unfortunately disappeared, and most missed out on the opportunity to download it. Let me explain what this app actually does. FWChanger simply tricks your iPhone or iPod Touch to think it has a certain firmware such as 3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.0 and so on…
The benefits of this app are, when you upgrade applications in the Apple App Store and there is a firmware update required. FWChanger tricks the iOS device so you no longer get an incompatibility message from the App Store. Pretty nifty right? Another great thing about this app is, it has a beautiful user interface and is very simple to use!
Though this app is no longer available via Cydia, you can still SSH the files into your iPhone or iPod Touch (only recommended for people who actually know what their doing when SSH-ing).
Note: FWChanger does NOT give you the FEATURES of the firmware entered, and is NOT compatible with iOS 4.
How To install
- Simply download the file from the iJailbreak Downloads page.
- Unzip it, drag and drop the folder into applications on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Using Terminal, enter these commands:
chmod -R 755 /Applications/ chmod -R +s /Applications/
Are you going to try out this jailbreak tweak? If you do, let us know down in the comments of how it worked out for you.
Thats good, but how do you invoke the program once permissions have been given to system?
All good. You reboot! Cheers! Now can you find out what happened to Grooveshark in Cydia? Its gone!
I’m using an OS 3.1.3 iphone 3G and this app keeps crashing. Any help?
im currently on 3.1.2 and i installed the fwchanger through winscp but when i try opening it on my ipod it closes right back please what am i doin wrong?
hey i got this msg in terminal “chmod: invalid mode: ‘-R’ ”
so what am i doing wrong ???
u mean the “Applications” folder inside the “mobile” folder or the one located in “root” ???
plz email me… estebanroatoiATgmailDOTcom
you MUST login as root open terminal and type login and username is root password is alpine
the root foler
have you changed the things through mobile terminal? see above
change the settings with mobile terminal
My original firmware was 3.0.1 (7A400) .I used fw changer and changed it to 1.1.1 to test. I then set it back to 3.0.1 using the custom setting as the max preset in my version of fwchanger was 2.0. Now iTunes seems to think my phone is firmware 1.1.1 and no matter what I do it wont recognise my original firmware. How do I fix this? Thanks
Never mind. I rebooted the phone and now iTunes recognizes the correct firmware :)
it still crashes, just not until immediately after the splash screen
I put in the applications folder using i fun box then i logged in as root and i gave the commands..
nothing happened..
please help
Try it in safemode it should work because it worked for mE ….
i load up terminal on my ipod it says users-iPod:~ root#
i type in the chmod -R 755 /Applications/ and it says chmod: cannot acess ‘/Applications/’ : no such file or directory