I’ve made quite a few themes for Winterboard. I’ve been proud of each and every one, but they have all just been aesthetic changes. This one actually has a practical use, according to Apple.
Apple recently released iOS 4.0.1, the first update to iOS 4. This update fixes the the error Apple found in the way iOS calculates how many bars should be shown, to represent your signal strength. It also included new, longer signal bars, so you you can see them better.
This new theme updates the signal bars for you, so you don’t have to update to iOS 4.0.1. Of course, this does not fix the calculation problem, but if you jailbreak and/or unlock your iPhone, you know the hassles of trying to update, re-jailbreak, and re-unlock. You use this with Winterboard. It should work with any firmware, although I have not tested this on a 3G iPad.
This is a free theme, in Cydia, but I would love it if you were able to donate something. Enjoy!
whats the name of the app ? I didn’t see you mention it o_O .