Has it ever bugged you that an application requiring Facebook Connect has been alerting your friends on Facebook of various achievements? I personally started occasionally playing a game called Megapolis (which I urge you to check out… sorry if it ruins your life) and because you need to connect with Facebook to do certain things it also wants permission to post on your behalf to your friends.
At first I was okay with this, but then as the days went on I saw it was posting a whole bunch of random things on my timeline and alerting them to my friends… which is kind of embarrassing. One solution to the problem that you might be thinking of is to revoke the access to post on my behalf, but unfortunately Megapolis doesn’t function correctly if you disable this permission and I am sure many other games are like this as well.
One solution to stop the app from posting to your friends is to make its posts only visible to yourself. Yes, the app will still be posting things to your timeline, but no one else will be able to see these posts besides you. Then you can delete them if you wish, or just don’t worry about them because no one else will be able to see them.
Step 1) – Login to your Facebook account on a desktop computer.
Step 2) – Click the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and then from the drop down menu select Account Settings.
Step 3) – From the sidebar select Apps.
Step 4) – Under the apps you use section you should see a list of apps that currently have access to your Facebook. If you don’t see the app you are trying to stop alerting your friends about you can click the Show All Apps button. Once you find the app your are looking for click the Edit button.
Step 5) – The very first option you should see is “Visibility of app and posts”. Change this option to Only Me. That’s it! Now your friends will never see any posts made by the app in question. You can also play around with some of the other Settings, but it may cause the app to not function correctly until you restore them to defaults.
If it worked, the next time the app posts something to your timeline it should have striped background.
Hopefully this tip was helpful to those playing games that require a connection to your Facebook account. If you have any further questions or thoughts leave them in the comments.
Good info.. thx..