Congratulations to all the themes that ended up making it on this months top 6 extraordinary themes contest. This month featured a whole bunch of theme’s that are really taking theming to a whole new level. Theme’s like True HTC HD 2 and Evolution OS 2 provide a complete UI overhaul and will actually change the way you use your iPod Touch or iPhone.
With all these amazing themes it really was a close call between this month’s iJailbreak Exclusive Theme. However, True HTC HD 2 managed to win this months contest and it wins the iJailbreak Exclusive Award. The theme is one of the most complete themes you will ever run in to and has one kick ass media player. What also makes this theme one of a kind is its real weather animation that runs on the iPhone 3gs. Congratulations Alien1974 in winning this months iJailbreak Exclusive Award.
Update #1: How to install WinterBoard Cydia app on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
Update #2: How to download and install WinterBoard themes, such as these ones in this article, to iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.
This Months iJailbreak Exclusive Award Goes To…
True HTC HD2 – By Alien1974
The True HTC HD 2 theme really fits the title of extraordinary! Not only does it provide an unique UI overhaul for almost every aspect of the iPod Touch/iPhone, but it features real weather animations just like the real HTC phones. If you like the look an feel of the HTC touch or if you are looking for a truly extraordinary theme then this is the theme for you!
Alien1974 really out did himself on this theme and as you can see all of his hard work has definitely paid off in this extraordinary theme. While Alien1974 did win the iJailbreak Exclusive Award there are other themes that came close to taking the title. Take a look at the top 6 runner up themes that made their way into this month’s Top 6 Extraordinary Themes of May.
Evolution OS 2 – By BlueMetal
The Evolution OS 2 theme is an amazing theme that features custom professional artwork and a completely unique layout. As you can see the icons tile vertically using infiboard and the theme includes 3 custom widgets – an analog or digital clock or an dynamically changing weather widget. If your looking for a unique theme to show off this would definitely be on the top of your list.
eZuneHD – By eZie
The eZuneHD theme really does a great job at mimicking the Zune’s overall look and feel. Using infiboard to it’s advantage this features a dynamically scrolling UI, packed with some impressive graphics that will change the way you use your iPod Touch/iPhone. If you are looking for a theme that functions like the Microsoft Zune then this theme is the one.
iNitsua Z Twilight – By Zausser/K.Nitsua
Now if you are looking for not only a great looking futuristic style theme but a theme that will replace almost every single UI graphic on your iPod Touch/iPhone then this is your candidate. The iNitsua Z Twilight theme literally changes almost every graphic on your iPod Touch/iPhone and it features a custom music player, calculator, dialer and sms boxes.
iNXE Xbox 360 – By Entombed Sh4dw
For all of you Xbox 360 fans out there that are looking for a similar style OS for their iPod Touch or iPhone, iNXE Xbox 360 theme will be your best bet. The theme features an extremely slick UI and allows you to place your own avatar directly inside the theme. In combination with the 360 live app you can receive real live Xbox 360 updates on your iPod Touch/iPhone.
Ubuntu Ultimate V3 – ByPhanaticD
Using the crisp style of Ubuntu to this themes advantage, the Ubuntu Ultimate V3 theme not only looks great but includes some great widgets. Using spring jumps and other SpringBoard tweaks this theme mimics an actual desktop Ubuntu UI on your iPod Touch or iPhone (including the opening of folders and much more). If you are looking for a theme that is similar to a desktop UI then this theme is the one for you.
If you took a look at the themes I listed above you can really see that these themes truly are extraordinary. Theming has come a long way since WinterBoard was first released and we are seeing themes that really are one of a kind. These were the top 6 extraordinary themes of May 2010, If you are interested in getting your theme on the top 6 extraordinary themes of June then please contact me.
They are so good!
They definately deserve these awards
Dear Mate.please send me the true HTC HD2 THEME.
put htc hd2 theme on cydia or rock PLEASE
its a beastly theme
Hello Guys,
The True HTC HD 2 theme is available from its Modmyi page by clicking the link. You will need to manually install it. However I may add it to my repo in the next few days, I will keep you updated! :)
on the htc hd 2 theme how do i get my winter board in stuff to be like that the icons not workin it has the customized little square but i wamt the rectangle box for it how do i do it??…but awesome theme thanx:)
what is ur repo called?
screenshots woulda been cool…