Do you like to theme your UI Popups, and banner notifications? Do you theme Auxo in the multitasking switcher? If you do, I think you will be interested in the different effects Animer has to offer.
Hashbang productions has brought us yet another interesting tweak called Animer that has just been released into Cydia. Developed by Bradley Friedman, Animer gives us plenty of options to customize notification banners, alerts, and the multitask switcher of the iOS.
There are seven different options for banner notifications such as slide animations, fade in option, zoom animation, dismiss animations, adjusting animation speed, spoken notifications and fade in HUD’s. User’s will also have the option to select “test banner button” to preview the different animations.
The alert notifications have three different zoom options, two animations, a fade in option and a button to test the alert as well. The multitasking switcher will have 3 options for slide animations, and two fade animations. There won’t be a test button, but the user can easily open up the multitask bar with a tweak like Zephyr to test out the animation.
Here is a sweet demonstration of Animer the developer released.
Animer costs 99 cents and not only looks to be promising, but is pretty sweet as well. Hopefully, the developer continues to add more features and options in future updates. You can find it in the BigBoss repo.
CHIP tweak and few other give already the same or similar functions.
Yeh, some of the others change colors and i usually dont like changing the banner color, but Good call on chip! I think animer is more to set just animations and has a few more options, but doesnt have color changes (gradients) etc…