About a week ago now we told you guys that a “Surprise” would be coming to the new GreenPois0n jailbreak. This “Surprise” sure did end up coming to the greenpois0n untethered jailbreak and it came in the form of custom boot logos. At first these custom boot logos were only accessible to users who wanted to manually apply them to their iDevice, but now this feature is available to users through Cydia.
If you are interested in applying some custom boot logos to your iDevice then you are going to need to search for a specific package in Cydia. This package is called:
Apple Boot Logo
After searching for the package mentioned above, you will need to install it to your iDevice. Once this boot logo package is installed, any custom boot logos you download from Cydia will show up under the boot logo tab through the Settings.app!
With the addition of custom boot logos to iDevices jailbroken with GreenPois0n, we are sure to see a lot more boot logos appear into Cydia. Keep your eyes open! Please let us know if you have some personal favorite boot logos that are available through cydia.
Note: Custom Boot Logos will ONLY work with iDevices jailbroken on the iOS 4.2.1 firmware with GreenPois0n or RedSn0w jailbreaks that do not use the jailbreake monte exploit.
I have a iPhone 4 jailbroken with greenpoison fw 4.2.1 and I’ve tried this but the boot logo never changes. It’s always the greenpoison logo. I’ve tried apple shattered and greenpoison morph. Nothing changes
Did you reboot? I noticed respringing did not change it, but rebooting did.
Yeah I checked the Green Poison Morph one under the settings and then rebooted and I still get the same logo that happened when I jail broke it with green pois0n
I have iretiner GUI installed and I think that might be the problem. Ive read on other forums that this cause a problem with not being able to change the boot logo.
how could u notice after a respring m8????
u have obviusly to reboot…
which settings app?
Hahahahahahahaha oh my god! XD
By settings.app they actually mean the settings on the phone. There is a new section that says boot logo. This was new to me also but i found it by google. I cant seem to get it to work though. I used a custom logo for my jailbreak and its still set to that despite what i do with the settings.