Jailbreak developer MuscleNerd reports that Apple is in the process of fixing their activation servers, meaning unlock activation methods like SAM will not continue to work in their current state. (Looks like I may have been hasty in dismissing Applenberry’s GEVEY Ultra 5.1!) There is good news for those of you who already unlocked your phones with SAM: the activation tickets still work. (And good news for Applenberry.)
Although you might not be able to generate more activation tickets with SAM, you can back up your existing tickets for future use. If you need help, see our guides on backing up activation tickets manually or with RedSn0w.
This seems to be how things go with software exploits: A workaround of Apple’s hardware is released to the modding community, it functions for a few days, and then the exploit is patched. (This factors into the argument against releasing the jailbreak for iOS 5.1: if Apple developers can see the exploit in action, they can usually patch it.)
I can understand why Apple wouldn’t want consumers to jailbreak their phones or shop from an alternative App Store, but what’s Apple’s interest in shutting down unlocks? This was patched up in less than a week. Sure, this likely resulted in a little more traffic to their activation servers, but it shouldn’t directly affect Cupertino.
Do you think Apple has a deal with carriers regarding phone unlocks? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Oh Damn. I updated my iPhone just because of this..
ok so its not currently working anymore? or what?
Back to waiting on an updated ultrasn0w
I have an iPhone 4S, iOS v5.0.0. I never updated to 5.0.1 because I wanted to be able to jailbreak and unlock my phone (untethered) whenever it became possible to do so and the general rule was never to update. Now there’s this SAM unlock method and it works with 5.0.1 untethered. Is it possible for me to update to 5.0.1? (with 5.1 now being available?) I understand 5.0.1 is way better on battery life and want to get all this done before Apple fixes their servers. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news:
1) The SAM unlock trick probably isn’t going to work anymore, unless you already ran it on your phone and saved the ticket. The ticket’s supposed to be good forever, the SAM unlock trick not so much.2) You can’t update to 5.0.1 unless you’ve already used Cydia with 5.0.1 running on that phone. No shirt, no SHSH blob, no service.
Thanks Michael. I guess my only option now is to update to stock 5.1 and use GEVEY™ Ultra S for GSM iPhone
Are there any way i can unlock that cursed 4.11.08? I missed the SAM rush. Please help