When any new major Jailbreak is released a lot of people seem to end up having problems with Cydia. When this happens they think something went wrong with their Jailbreak and there is a problem to do with Cydia itself. In reality however, there are so many people trying to access Cydia after Jailbreaking their iOS device that the servers are actually being bogged down to the point where they do not function.
The most common error that people receive when downloading Cydia packages is “HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error“. If you are experiencing this error or another error completely, chances are it is just because so many people are trying to access Cydia at the same time. Which makes sense considering Absinthe 2.0 was just released to Jailbreak all iOS devices running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware Untethered.
At this time there is no solution to the problem besides waiting till things die down. In the mean time make sure you stay tuned for further updates as things develop. Please leave any questions or further thoughts in the comments.
plzzz help i jailbroke my iphone 4s 5000000 times but cydia isnt appearing when i jailbreak plzz help
i knew this will happen I’m glad i woke up early today. i got the chance to jailbreak my iphone 4s and my ipad 2 in less than 10 min
Exactly right. I got the same thing when I jail broke my 3rd generation “new iPad” on 5.1.1. I don’t think it has anything to do with the jailbreak tool and even if it does, we’ll see a fix very shortly. No need to worry about anything.
If you’re getting this error think of it as a busy signal. Just keep retrying and it will work eventually (Though I did it a few hours ago, a lot of people were still asleep..as the day goes on and more people discover the JB it might get worse before it gets better)
I think it’s just server overloaded.
backup your device then do restore from Itunes, do the jailbreak, restore backup , enjoy!
that’s worked for me
It’s just a server overload, Cydia will probably work again in like 2 or 3 days.
haha same here. Last night I went out for my birthday, whenever I drink I know I wake up super early.
So… In reality, I was being very responsible :)
Untethered on iPhone 4 CDMA, iPad (3rd generation) Wi-Fi with no issues.
I haven’t updated my iPhone to 5.1.1 yet and I’ve seen similar errors. Keep calm and carry on. :)
This is exactly what I thought.
Jailbreaked my iPhone 4S 64 GB at 5:30 to 6:00 P.m. and cydia doesn’t work now, i will wait for any days!
i have ios 5.1 so will the new jailbreak give it also unthetherd support and if i upgrade will still there be a problem for cydia not working ,etc plz tell..
updated to 5.1.1 then jb with absinthe 2.0 , cydia icon shows, open but will not let me install anyyhing. Did I do someting wrong?
updated to 5.1.1 then jb with absinthe 2.0 , cydia icon shows, open but will not let me install anyyhing. Did I do someting wrong?
so there is no way to fix it other than wait?
you can upgrade then use absinthe 2.0 to re-jailbreak cydia will still intermittently show the http 500 error as its cydia’s servers that are busy not anything any one can do about that until the traffic to those servers comes down to a normalized level
My god people are idiots, please reread the article above a couple more times before you post a comment asking how to fix it. Have some patience, its not the end of the world.
Just install the package again that worked for me :)
Please help guys…. I am getting ‘GPG’ error whenever I try to add a new repository and when I try to install a new package….it shows that the requested modifications can’t be changed ! Please help!
cydia doesnt open at all. closes immediately after opening.
jailbroke the new ipad using absinthe 2.0.1 and jailbreak was successful.
I’m not sure this is directly related, but after jb 4S (cydia seems to be working btw) any customisation tweeks like barrel and springtomize can’t be installed. Anyone else having this problem and does someone know what causes this?
server overload???? does it only happens on JBroken 5.1.1 ??? because i have 4 on 5.0.1 and sbsettings for example is downloading just fine, but on my 4S 5.1.1 jailbroken with absinthe 2.0.1 cannot download ANYTHING, starts downloading and the error shows up. cannot add some repos though.
don’t think its only overload uhg…
I’m not sure how Cydia expects to be taken seriously as a business if it has these kinds of server issues.
what about mis match error, i tried vpn but it never worked what do i do now? PLLLZZZZ HELP!
I don’t buy it. I jailbroke my 4s and thirty minutes later my wife’s. Mine works fine, no errors nothing. It just works perfectly every time. Hers just keeps saying “the requested modifications cannot be applied yadayadyada…
Same here
I jailbroke with redsn0w and I didn’t have what you guys have I have when I press the cydia it dosent go into it
Cydia would not open on my iPad, but shutting down and restarting cleared it up.
i cant get cydia to open at all after absenth 5.1.1 jailbreak for 4s…Can Anyone Help???
Im Having the Same Problem It Wont Even Open…
some people aren’t reading it, your right, the server is busy…
BUT…some people cant open the app whatsoever, it shuts down literally right after you click the icon.
therefore, they(we) are not seeing the error code from cydia…its just not opening.
to add to this problem, my safari is doing same thing, it closes before it has a chance to open a window.
Why the hell doesn’t it fucking work bitches?
i just did the jailbreak on iphone 4s and it said it was complete however cydia did not download..any suggestions please help
same with me i just did it
Why Icons theme like Vivid, illuminated not work on ipod touch 4 5.1.1
how long will the wait for cydia usually be.
my i pod says preparing file system
(cydia will exit when complete)
then when it finishes it shuts down then boots up again then i go see if it works but it does not it just keeps saying the same thing over and over again.
i can’t even get the search engine to work, i mean, i understand the server is overloaded but at leat the search should be working….
Jailbroke my iPhone 4S RUNNING iOS 5.1.1 and Cydia will not let me search/download anything saying “Cannot Locate Package”
Please Help :)
i jailbroke my iphoe 4 and i downloaded something and now i cant open cydia or my safari??? any suggestions????
i got cydia to open , but when i try and search for packages , it doesnt show any results , it doesnt even make the search, wht do i do ?
I have a ipod 4th gen and all my apps are backfiring as in entering and disappearing. also it resprings like every 5 minutes. CYdia will enter sometimes and do the caching thing but after i try doing something it goes back to home screen. I also have sara (Siri replacement) But it never works it is really getting me worked up…….PLLZZZZZ HELP
i also cant delete anything like grooveshark cuz i cant enter cydia
i also got sara but it didnt work so i cant delete its eating me alive cant go on facebook not letting me go on apps always resprings like every 2 minutes WWWWHHYYYY MEEEE??? DOSENT HAPPEN TO ANYONE ELSE!!!! I JUST WANT A JAILBROKEN IPOD THAT WORKS IS THAT TOOOOO MUCH TO ASK??
I keep getting this error. I waited over a month, and nothing happened.