Today a new WinterBoard alternative was released into Cydia called DreamBoard! This new theming utility proves to be quite useful as unlike WinterBoard, DreamBoard provides fast theme switching without the need to Re-Spring and also more advanced theming options. Another great aspect to DreamBoard is that it has all of its functionality built in (unlike WinterBoard themes you will not have to install multiple tweaks in order for an advanced theme to work). DreamBoard lets you place anything from widgets to apps where ever you want.
Read the official description of DreamBoard below.
Theming is no longer limited to just icons, or having to resort to complicated setup themes involving Iconoclasm, SpringJumps, etc. Dreamboard makes it easy to switch between any theme in just a few seconds. Simply launch, choose and apply! And, Dreamboard eliminates the long wait of having to restart Springboard everytime you make a change. No more resprings! Dreamboard includes a complementary copy of Endroid (HTC theme).
Personally I think DreamBoard has the potential to be on par or even replace WinterBoard in the future, if it can become more stable and more widely compatible. Take a look at this video preview of DreamBoard below!
If you are interested in testing out DreamBoard you can find it through Cydia for free! Let us know your thoughts on DreamBoard and let us know if you think it could ever replace winterboard.
Note: Not compatible with iPad. Not recommended for iPhone 3G, iPod 2G, or iPod 3G 8GB. Tested on 4.1 and 4.2.1
Update #1: The developer of DreamBoard is now charging $2.99 to download.
Update #2: DreamBoard is free again!
Shit thats awesome!
Damn I been waiting on this to be created for ever great app and has officially replace winterboard on my phone!!!
How much drain does this put on your ram?
I installed it and when I run Dreamboard, I only see one theme – I tried to swipe left or right but no other themes are showing up. I cannot see the endroid theme. I checked the file folder and there is an Endroid folder with the themes in there. Anyone else having the same behavior?
Same here. All I see is the one with the leaves. Can’t swipe anything.
In the end, I uninstalled it and will wait for a better version to come out :)
I’m also getting the same thing. I see it in iFile but won’t show up in the DreamBoard app :-(
Same here. All I see is the one with the leaves. Can’t swipe anything.
not working for me either – iOS 4.2.1, iPhone 4- 32Gb, greenpois0n RC 5 (untethered)
Dreamboard aint workin`… all I see is iphone theme.. wtf?
Same issue for me as well. Dl isn’t free any more so that was a couple bucks down the toilet
I have the same issue, I installed it and when I run Dreamboard, I only see one theme – I tried to swipe left or right but no other themes are showing up. I cannot see the endroid theme.
Jop, also the same issue here.
I noticed that as well this morning (to see if there were any updates) … it is now showing as $2.99. IMHO, anyone looking to buy this alpha software should hold off until we get an answer from the developer.
the built-in facebook function doesn’t work…
I only have the one theme available as well (android theme maybe?). It looks great, but I can’t get the clock/weather right. I tap the i in the upper right corner and put in my zip code. I see that the time and weather are displayed, but the keyboard that you put your zip code in won’t go away. All else seems to work well with it – including the facebook function.
How can this be considered a rival to Winterboard if you have to buy all additional themes? You can get literally hundreds of free themes from Winterboard.
For all those people who can’t run it, it only works on iphone 3g, 2g, and ipod 2g and 3g. NOT the iphone 4. Also, it works only on 4.2 and 4.2.1. jailbreak it using greenp0ison
can someone also tell me: is this free?
It’s running on my iPhone 4…
After you type in the zip and tap on “set,” clear out the zip and then tap “set” again.
Sign in to Facebook in safari on the iPhone, then load up your Endroid theme again.
how do u change you location for the accurate weather
ok, it doesnt run on itouch 1G, and you say it cant run on 2G or 3G 8GB, can it run on 3G16/32GB? i know it can work on iphone 4
Dreamboard FTW!
there is a small i in a circle.. tap it and enter area code
made my iphone 4 freeze. Does anyone know how to uninstall this.
made my iphone 4 freeze. Does anyone know how to uninstall this.
made my iphone 4 freeze. Does anyone know how to uninstall this.
this is awesome but it is makin my ipod go crazy. i in installed it and it was workin but know it is goin crazy.
I got it 4 free
My ipod got stuck on preparing theme what do i do?
restart your iPod by holding the power button and home button and retry doing the process
How do you install the OSXLion onto Dreamboard?
How can I get back to normal view? I can’t get any option in “dreamboard” themes..
guys, help me. I have downloaded Dreamboard from cydia, but when I touch the icon to start the tweak, it just go back to the home screen, how can I fix it?