FaceTime QuickPick is an an app that allows you to select contacts from a list and immediately start a FaceTime conversation with them. Let’s do a comparison: All you need to do to start a FaceTime call with FaceTime QuickPicks is to open the app and select the contact of your choice. Without FaceTime QuickPick, you have to go to your contact list, select a contact, and then press the FaceTime button, like some kind of animal. Where would we be without such innovative homebrew coders?

A screenshot of FaceTime QuickPick's contact list

How did we ever cope with the standard FaceTime button?
The problem with FaceTime QuickPick isn’t that it costs money. I’m willing to pay money for good apps. I’ve bought DisplayOut, which costs $3.99 and was worth every penny. I paid for gpSPhone, back when it was $5.99. I shelled out for Notified Pro a couple months before Apple unveiled iOS 5’s identical-but-splashier Notification Center. (I don’t want to talk about it.) I’ve spent more on apps in the iTunes than I’d ever be proud to admit. But the all apps I purchased provided some benefit at the time.
I don’t think that apps which save, at most, a button press of my time can ever be worth a dollar. This is an app I wouldn’t install if it were freeware. My app tray’s cluttered enough as it is.
If you want to spend $0.99 on a menu list, you can find FaceTime QuickPick in the ModMyi repository on Cydia.
Which app purchases do you feel you shouldn’t have made? Let us know in the comments section below.
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