Infinite Tweet is a Cydia Tweak that removes the 140 character restriction from your and throws in a few extra neat features. If you aren’t a big fan of the stock Twitter app then don’t worry, it has Tweetbot and Echofon integration too. This tweak helps a ton if you’re a tweeter that can’t stand the 140 limit at times and you just want more usability out of your Twitter app.
As you can see above, Infinite Tweet comes with very nice Twitlonger integration. To the left, you will see the options you have when composing a tweet. Let’s start with the Music icon; by tapping this icon you can add the artist and title to the song you are listening to in your tweet. On top of that, whenever you go over 140 characters in your tweet you will have the ability to add a Twitlonger link to your tweet or cut it down to 140 characters. To the right, you will see the Twitlonger expander feature. Whenever you tap on a Twitlonger link inside of a tweet, it will show you the full tweet in this nice interface instead of loading the link through the built-in Twitter browser. Infinite Tweet also adds an Instagram viewer and the ability to use the iOS 5 Twitter keyboard when composing tweets.
You can find Infinite Tweet in the BigBoss repo for only $0.99, and it is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad on the iOS 4 and 5 firmware generations. Do you enjoy all of the features that the Infinite Tweet Cydia Tweak gives your Twitter app? Let us know in the comments section below…
now IF someone would create a universal app that allows people to login to facebook thru twitter, the world would be a MUCH safer place