Earlier today we told you that the moment numerous people have been all waiting for is here. A developer has illegally distributed Siri in the form of a Cydia tweak called H1Siri across 3rd party Cydia repositories. The H1Siri Cydia tweak allows owners of an iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G to use Siri. Unlike previous claimed ports of Siri, H1Siri is a fully functioning port of Siri meant for the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G. It will bring the same great Siri functionality the iPhone 4S features to these older generation Apple devices.
WARNING: H1Siri is illegal as previously mentioned. This is because the Cydia tweak contains Apple’s copyrighted GUI files. Additionally it is has been mentioned by Chpwn that installing this Cydia tweak may pose a risk of sending personal information like emails, SMS messages and your location to the creators of H1Siri.
If you have read the above warning and still want to proceed, you can follow this How To guide on installing H1Siri to your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G. We will be providing the latest H1Siri Cydia sources as they come around, and this will allow you to download H1Siri and install it to finally use this fully functioning Siri port. So get ready to get your hands dirty and let’s begin…
Download And Install H1Siri.deb
Step 1) – The first thing you need to do is Jailbreak your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G (the only iOS devices supported at this time) running the iOS 5 to iOS 5.0.1 firmware. Click here to follow a Jailbreaking guide.
Step 2) – Launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.
Go int the Manage tab > the Sources tab > tap the Edit button and then the Add button. From here you will need to type in one of the following Cydia repositories:
Note: The reason multiple Cydia repositories are listed is because, H1Siri may be taken down in the near future from one or more of the repos listed.
If you are having trouble downloading the H1Siri Cydia tweak from Cydia you can install it manually using an SSH/file-system editor program by downloading the H1Siri.deb/H1Siri.zip file by clicking here.
Step 3) – With one of the repositories shown above added you will need to go into Cydia’s Search tab and search for:
Step 4) – When Cydia has found the H1Siri Cydia tweak you will need to download H1Siri and install it to your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G.
Step 5) – After the H1Siri Cydia tweak has been installed, reboot your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G.
Step 6) – Once H1Siri has been installed, you will need to simply go into the Settings.app and enable H1Siri through the appropriate tab.
Note: If you find that Siri cannot connect to the server, then this is because there is currently too much traffic hammering the server. Sometimes you can fix this error by restarting your iOS device once again, but generally it simply means you will need to come back later.
Congratulations! You now have the fully functioning Siri port, H1Siri on your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G. Please let us know if H1Siri worked for you in the comments section below…
Try another repo on the list
Once you install this package, just go in SettingsGeneral and there u can find “Siri” and click on it and turn it on choose the Language you want for Siri and enjoy :)
thanks for the one who make this work yeepie :D
Glad it worked for you :)
So the server worked for you also?
i can only connect to the server only for 10 minutes
cannot connect to the server..:(
wont let me download the tweak it says it needs dependencies help??
it worked!:) but its not connecting to the network, hopefully by tomorrow
Since Apple’s Siri servers accept the command by generating a special key for iPhone 4S only, it is not possible for H1Siri to connect to the network without using those special keys, it works using some iPhone 4S hacked keys as proxy to H1SIRI but it is very simple to understand that a single iPhone 4S can not send more than 5-10 commands at a single time to Apple server, if it happens the Server automatically blacklist those iPhone 4S keys blocking your H1Siri access. Those who says upgrading/moving their servers are actually fooling people, because there is no such thing as server being used for this hack it is simply iPhone 4S keys hack being updated to work for you. These people are continuously hacking iPhone 4S keys and making them unusable. In all-cases, this h1siri is a failure and can not up but for a while (5-10) minutes to some users.Those who are willing to use Siri should go for iPhone 4S or wait for few months when the Jailbreak for 4S is available till then Apple will indirectly allow other iOS Devices to use Siri through Jailbreak (unofficially) as we are enjoying other tweaks and features using Jailbreak.One more thing to add; there is nothing illegal in Jailbreak because it is allowed by Apple in some extent to boost up their sales, although it is officially not recommended or not allowed by Apple but they are supporting it indirectly, otherwise they would loose the sale in multitude of their iOS device.
NOT Connecting!!! But the GUI WORKS!!
Stop being cheap and illegal, if you want Siri then get an iPhone 4S. Hope Apple blocks the authentication token every time H1Siri so it doesn’t work.
*Everytime H1Siri gets it renewed.
cannot connect the server. ㅜ.ㅜ
i been loyal to apple for long time from iPhone 3g then 4g now they want me to buy iPhone 4s seriously siri is normal function which will work ok on any devices if apple is too cheap to give us this i don’t blame people for trying to hack it screw apple
will it work on the iPad 1g??? PLZ reply!
Installed but Network failure
is there anybody who can use the server at the moment?
wont connect to server anyone know how to fix that ?
Can’t connet network ><
Seriously i agree with Steve, I’ve been “loyal” to apple, but the reason which they couldn’t give siri out to everyone is the server limitation. If all ios 5 compatible device did have siri, apple’s server would be die out. But it still pisses me off they had to make it unique to the 4s only.
check out an app called “voice actions” its just like siri almost better! it a must have
did u used a VPN
I just got it to connect…. but it is very slow!!!!
how did you get it to connect Libertychris
use the iPhone 3gs one
what you mean iphone 3gs? so ipod 4 and iphone 4 cannot ?
This is what I get when trying ti install H1Siri!”Note: The requested modifications cannot be applied due to required dependencies or conflicts that cannot be automatically found or fixed.”
Make sure u don’t have Sirious installed
Its work again…weehooo
Fok you, just shut up and go on with your useless life!
Don’t be mad cause you already wasted your money on a 4S when there is really no major difference from the iPhone 4. Troll somewhere else brah.
Happily, on my £600 iPhone 4S with actual Siri.
How about a tutorial on how to setup a full proxy server using a friend’s 4s keys? I could set that up on my home server and then wouldn’t have to worry about delays etc.
plz help me!!! everytime i want to download on my iphone 4 ios5 it says cannot comply PLZZ HELPP!!!!
No server, white settings icon, camera not working, what kind of tweak is this…
actually its RUBBISH DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to do a tethered boot once you have finished installing this as iOS 5 is currently tethered.
Try adding another repo that has H1Siri in it.
ha ha ha £600 be tyou robbed it and itll be blocked soon ;)
Hi there i have installed the deb file but the setting app on the springboard is not there any more, what happend?!?
ur rich ! . . . some of us are not rich as you . . . so u just shut up and do ur work around they . . . or give us money and we will get iphone 4s sooon :P
Thanks man . . . i am here in heaven .
currently unable to connect. this blows! i wanna play! lol
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuu go kiss the queens ass
You selfish son of a biiitch it’s apples fualt not letting ip4 have Siri it was originally designed for iPhone 4 but got too expansive so came up with iPhone 4s if ur rich and already have Siri why in the world would u want to view this site? So just shut the fuccck up and burn in hell
Im on the iPod 4 and iOS 5.0.1 and it is not connecting to the server help plzzz
No they wouldn’t die out apple servers are extremely strong and each command only takes up to 200kb so it wouldn’t be a problem just apples too cheap although it’s understandable that apples being cheap the Siri project cost millions of dollars and apple also bought another company for its 3d maps
Don’t say that!! It’s not their responsibilities to do it for u for free. Nor did u pay. How would u like to try to port it?
camara problem fixed??
it will never work. and once you uninstall it, its gonna make your ipod VERYY laggy!!!. just fixed mine finally
fuck man,,, its loaded on the phone but the servers aren’t working which defeats the purpose if we cant even play with it… at least we are able to hear Siri’s voice” sorry i am having trouble connecting to the network.”
portuguese language please!!!!!!!!! PT PT
keeps saying i m having trouble connecting to the network
dude seriously just put it into restore mode and connect to itunes if that dosent work then put it in DFU fix it that way use resn0w or whatever jailbreak you use and boot it from there if you dont know how to do this you shouldnt even be on thesse forums thier not assholes it a 1.0 and they always have bugs they are just working to make our deevices work better for us
who he fuck are you to tell ppl stop being cheap we’re in a fucking recession and i got kids to feed. Damn hater wat are u doing reading this post to begin with?!
What I don’t understand is why they’re trying to use Siri’s servers, that’ll never work cuz they’ll always be blacklisted, they should just use Dragons servers, it works just as well with a few less commands, but integration into iOS is rly nice, no matter what server it uses!
it will never work!!!!!!! go make a twitter and look for tweets with h1siri -____-
mine works but says cannot connect to the server or cannot connect its been of no use
Just because he has an iPhone 4S doesnt mean he is rich people. Dont inflate his ego. Hes just a loser.
Is it supposed to take long to download H1Siri
Siri wont come up in settings after reboot
i did it on my GUI works but it can’t connect to Apple Servers then i think we have to change the servers with iFiles n My iDevice is iPodTouch 4th Generation n the best way is to buy iPhone 4S…
Am i right???
screw u
this app breaks facetime and camera features, besides the fact that it actually will not work. All you can hear from Siri is she cant connect to the network
So installed it and works not fine. Cannot connect to network.
Hmm.. to many try to connect right now. ;)
No this does not at work it just says cannot connect its a waste of time, these people who gave posted this news whether siri works or not instead of just creating sensationalism with.such news
prove it? it only worked one day for me after that it never did its some cheap shit Chinese server where the traffic is diverted to dude, and ye apple already blocked it.
i would laugh my ass out hard, when next year in after july apple launches iPhone 5 ;)
totally agree :)
u like dick
reboot till the server works it should take 3 reboots (including the reboot when u install h1siri)
shut up
KOOK, I`m very sorry to hear your mum got sacked from the sperm bank for drinking on the job, lolololololloloo hahahhahhaha. loser.
removed this fake siri now i can even boot my iphone4 and restoring will loose all my setting and jailbroken apps.
thanks to the big asses
bitches stay aways from the iphone 4 hack
I’m on 4.3.3, do I have to be on iOS 5 to use h1siri?
I pt in all the repos but all but one of them said bad URL. The other repo doesn’t even have h1siri in it.
True statement
sohai stevenknight ! nahhh _|_
you silly peice of shit i bought a iphone 4 1 year ago i dont see why i should pay another £600 just to get a bit of software that shoul b available to everyone with any iphone. apple are money greedy fuckers and u my friend should go take ur iphone 4s and stick it up ur arse.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Aple Iphone
Got the GUI but it says it won’t connect to the network, rebooting right now…
After i installed h1siri, my device wont boot up again, tried with red snow just boot, wont help also, tried jailbreaking again, nothing, just stucked on apple loggo, and i cant even turn my device off. any suggestions fellas?
bit a pissing off, nothing i can do with my iphone 4 atm….
thanks in advance :)
aww… all the repos dont have the tweak anymore…
Just put it in DFU mode and restore through iTunes (or whatever you use).
the iphone3gsystem one has it
The iphone3gsystem still has it.
It most likely needs ios 5,but tell me if it works for you.
Agreed, but they try pretty hard to stop JBing. They are highly against it. We are only allowed by law thanks to GeoHot.
the H1Siri app does not use apple’s siri servers, therefore the “special key for iphone 4S” is not needed
h1siri doesn’t faking work assholes get something that actually can do good for the world of hacking it doesn’t even connect and its a piece os shit
all this does is brick your device, if you use it on an iPod touch 4G. I tried it on both of mine, bricked both of them. what a joke. Step up your game before you post half baked, buggy bullshit.
Which one was the one that worked??
I have a problem with all repositories. Every time i have gpg errors. Any help??
It Crashed My iphone 4 Like Shit Dont Download it suck
It made my phone crash and not able to boot again. Need to restore it again…. Dont try H1.
Same here my phones crashed to very unsafe software …its sh1t
problem during updating source like
sub-process/bin/bzip2 error
host unreachable
cached faliure
will it affest any thing
where to copy h1siri.zip file after downloading
I add it and it made my iphone4 after i install it
Cant even generate iphone juz lagged at apple screen
Sad it made me restore my iphone ios sofware
To fix My iphone so it worked.. I w8ed for 13 hours for nothing.
same to me
does not work on iPod touch 4G. stucked on the apple screen. had to resore it
Umm… why are you on this post?
My iPod Touch 4G is starting after the reboot and is not working!!! please help!
I have the iPhone 4, both iPads and Macs and 4s, Im not poor but considerbly making plenty, I grew up very poor and lived in the ghetto, but now I am a lawyer that makes over 500G a year. What I think of you is that you are a stupid dipshit and hope your POS icrap melts in your hand, its not that people are cheap its the human way to save money, not resources anymore. I really wish I saw you on the road I would run your ass down with my Mercedes you ugly bastard! I agree with zoofuck or what ever the hell is name is.
my iphone wont reboot
Listen you selfish greedy human! Not everyone on here has the money to be getting an 4S. If you think it’s wrong so much let’s see you take your 500G and buy us all freakin 4S’s! I mean so what if you freakin grew up in some ghetto. I’m not a poor kid, and I don’t want a 4S. I could afford it, but no, I’m not that type of person who will go buy the ‘Next Big Thing’ to show off to my friends, ‘Oh hey look everyone, I’m a jack*** and I’m going to show off my NEW 4S! NOW TREMBLE YOU MINIONS! TREMBLE OF MY GLORY!!’. No, I’m not like that. For me, I’m happy for what God has given me. Thank you Jesus. Just because I don’t want to buy a freakin 4S makes me poor? Get a life. Honestly.
If your so happy with your 4S why don’t you get off all this freaking Porting for Siri crap. Eh?
and he will always be a loser.
it turned my untethered jailbreak into tethered one and unable to connect to the server :S :S
Zhoufang man u fucked him up big time
It’s not illegal dude. Siri was actually a free app in the app store until aple bought it. But that is besides the point. It is not illegal to port siri to other devices.
Source: law school.
Actually Siri was originally a free app available for anyone to download on iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone in the app store and was going to be released into the android market before apple bought it.
It was available to everyone for awhile. Siri use to be a free app in the app store and was going to be released for android devices as well in the android market by the app developers but Apple bought it and removed it from the Market and made it iPhone 4S exclusive.
That is a lie from Apple. Siri was a free app in the app store for iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone and was on the verge of being released into the android market for android phones and tablets then Apple bought it, Removed it from the app store and blocked it from being released to the android market.
It Crashed My iphone 4 Like Shit Dont Download it suck
Crashes your iPhone completely
yeah shut up
shut up again asshole ! what do you mean by cheap ? stupid … go fuck your iPhone.
Bricked my iPhone 4 wrecked completely
your a looser apple g@y boy
siri works in ipad2
He wasn’t being rude he was saying people don’t have the money to get it while explaining things will get better so read before you comment.
I’m more worried about your kids if you spell like that
Stop complaining fag. If I want Siri I will not go buy a 4S. I will happily install the tweak on the device I paid $300 for. I see no logic in throwing away my perfectly fine iPhone 4 to go spend another $300 on the same thing with a better camera and an application that was not even made by the company selling it. Apple decided to purchase the third-party app and put it into their next product. Frankly, myself and many other Apple buyers are sick and tired of a new $300 product being released every year with very little new features.
Hugs and kisses,
A pissed off reader.
then why dont uu hold down your home button and tell SIRI ” hey im an asshole” and she’ll just respond… I KNO
the sources have changed, H1Siri works for me
plz tell me where is settings.app how i enable h1siri?????
Fuck You
this DOES not work for ios 7.1.1