A couple days ago we told you that the Spire Cydia tweak would not be updated for the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. For a lot of people who were big Spire users on the iOS 5.0/5.0.1 firmware this was a disappointing thing to hear because Spire has been the most reliable and well developed Siri port to this date.
Luckily however, there is actually an alternative to Spire called Spite that definitely comes close to matching Spire and is in some cases faster than Spire (speed depends upon memory for flash storage in the device). The Spite 3.0 Cydia tweak works on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware and is compatible with all iOS devices including the new iPad (iPad 3). The only real downside to Spite is that you will need to pay $5 to download it from the VIP repository where it is hosted on.
Install Spire On iOS 5.1.1 With Spite 3.0
Note: Spite has been known to cause errors to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad upon being installed that can force you to restore your iOS device. Thus, please proceed at your own risk and back up your iOS device before continuing.
Step 1) – The first thing you will need to do is purchase a VIP membership to the Technetec repository by clicking here for a one time fee of $5.
Step 2) – Now, open the Cydia.app and add the following repository by going into the Manage Tab > Sources Section > Tapping the Edit Button > Tapping the Add Button:
Step 2) – Install Spite 3.0 to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad now by searching for it through the Search tab or by going into the Technetec source section.
Step 3) – Once Spite 3.0 has been installed you will need to reboot your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and you should now have Siri on your iOS device Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware Untethered. The only thing you need now is a Siri proxy server, and what better way to find one than by visiting of proxy server list by clicking here.
Congrats! You should now have the Spire alternative Spite working on your iOS device Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware Untethered. If you have any questions or further thoughts please leave them in the comments section.
does it normally take a while to update the sources when you input the new source, mine has taken about 15 min now…
dont download. waste u have to restore
I’ve been having the same issue. Thought it was just me. Make sure you’re on wifi. I’ve noticed that it takes a long time on my 3g
it works in iPhone 4.
any idea how to make this work with belfry on iPad 2?
The Servers are being molested right now, the sheer number of reqests in huge, hopefully in a few days the traffic will die down and things will return to normal
Same here; taking forever to update vip sources. The server must be over whelmed. Their tweet says they’re doing a server reboot at 5PM EST.
paypal…. great
anyone having any success with Siri for iPad2 using 5.1.1??? Please advise, Thank you and Semper Fidelis
can i put this spite in assiatnconnect 4s works the same like spire? i have 4s my wife has iphone 4 with assistant connect works the same
so if you download it, you’ll have to do a restore. even though you have 5.1.1 untethered iPhone 4?
Junk cuz this i have to restore my iPhone , don’t try it .
Makes iphone go into a infinite boot Dont waste your time. Mostly if you have CDMA iphone
does not work with united kingdom siri responds saying i dont understand hello siri dont understand anything using united kingdom
if you want to delete it you have to restore
1. Restore to 5.1.1 in iTunes
2. Jailbrake tethered using Redsn0w
3. Install Spite, DO NOT hit the reboot device button, just turn the phone off and ‘Just Boot’ using Redsn0w.
4. Apply the ROCKY RACOON Cydia tweak to convert your tethered JB into an untethered one.
dont waste your time. Same as what these other people are saying- dont try it. It almost killed my ipod
whats is wrong with siri on a 4S
Do EXACTLY this and you will have no problems at all.1. Restore to 5.1.1 in iTunes 2. Jailbrake tethered using Redsn0w 3. Install Spite, DO NOT hit the reboot device button, just turn the phone off and ‘Just Boot’ using Redsn0w. 4. Apply the ROCKY RACOON Cydia tweak to convert your tethered JB into an untethered one.5. ENJOY SIRI.
Wow it won’t stop booting up somebody help me..
if it is stuck on apple logo, enter dfu mode, and you have to restore
that does not work
configuring Spite 3.0.1 …………… and don’t work
I want my money back!….The VIP version of Spite doesn’t even install on iOS 5.1…
HA! The Spite on the VIP repo fucks your iPhone boot up…Apple logo’s been on for 3 minutes and still not booting…not only does your Spite not work, but it’s also fucked my iPhone up.
Son of a b#@# I installed so much stuff on my new iPad and now I have to restore it cuz of one crappy tweak!!! WOW!
Which 5.1.1? 9B206, or 9B208?
On 3GS it put my fone into a never ending world of pain. Left with Apple Logo and had to………well you know :/
Thank you for your helped definitely worked Any help with getting a working proxy server?
No dude, i have it on my iPhone4 and works fine i purchased it from official site w w w. t e c h n e t e c . c o m and “Spite 3.0.1(Untethered)”
1. Complete the application form
2. Once everything is confirmed they will email you
3. After you get the confirmation you can add offical VIP Repo and select the version you depending on which device you had registered it for.
I got Siri to work on my iPhone 4 from Verizon. It does work if you are patient. I use to have a tethered jailbreak from red snow for 5.1.1. I had to restore my phone and DL Absinthe 2.0.2 untethered jailbreak for 5.1.1 first. After I did that I added the correct sources in Cydia and DL Spite. Once Spite finished it required a Reboot, and my phone came right back on and Siri was there. Set up was immediate, and I found the perfect Proxy Server for FREE and it runs super quick and faster than most 4s. It took me like 2 hours before it worked, but I finnaly found the server and just keep trying Siri until it responded. After adding all the add-ons in Cydia it’s 10x better. Good luck. Email if you have any questions.
Hi after getting this Spite offical 3.0.1 which works fine, although pirated copys might get stuck in bootlogo of apple,
I also found an alternative try to Download AC!D 1.1 works fine tested on with iPhone 4 (5.1.1 9B206) 16GB + its free from cydia. bassamkassem. com
Ac!d 1.1. has some minorbugs which are getting fixed also there are few issues with Spite 3.0.1 too if we look at the big picture and the overall i would suggest instead of wasting $5 on Spite get Ac!d
*NOTE: Ac!d 1.1 works only for iPhones, they do have for iPad but i haven’t tested it yet.
from what source can i get acid 1.1?
For Spite Yes that is an issue.
“cydia.bassamkssem .com”
can you tell me the free poxy servers you are using? as the best option for me was to purchased “AssistantServer Installer” and i just had to type “” in the proxy settings and i also have International location for Siri plugin worked fine but did take time to search so am going to try out more alternative and would suggest people to use “Ac!d” as its free when you compare it to “Spite” which uses alot of more resources.
Hope it was original as the pirated copy gets a file “Piratesaregay.zip” which crashes the phone.
did u read the instructions? few users had that error due to conflicting packages installed previously, i would recommend you to try it on a fresh clean jb device but it suxs when compared to Ac!d as u paid i would suggest stick to Spite :P
this is not their offical site you can complain here
h t t p : / / t e c h n e t e c . c o m / ? p = 2 3 6 7 # c o m m e n t – 5 7 3 9
just remove the space had to add them coz it wont let me add links
this is only for older devices which does’t have siri offically
Also i wrote yesterday i purchased Spite but its a Rip off for money you paid
downliad Ac!d 1.1 for iPhones from “c y d i a . b a s s a m k a s s e m . c o m”
iPad’s users can download Spite 3.0.1-1 from “c y d i a . i p h o n e t w e k . f r”
*NOTE:Ac!d 1.1 works only for iPhones and soon there will be for iPad uninstalling this package wont cause ur device to crash
Spite 3.0.1 works fine on iPad’s and iPhones but on comparing it with Ac!d it takes lot of memory space + loads slow + if you download it from the offical repo its a rip off as they are not providing proper solutions/fix to people having issues even after purchasing this package, Spite 3.0.1 is a modification package of Spire(which is legally free) so i would suggest users not to pay only pay for the apps/tweaks from Cydia Stores.
Works for me on iPad 2, but can’t find any servers that work
Does it work for ios 5.1.1 9B206 untethered jailbreak
Does it work on iPod touch 4th gen?
The source is wrong… I paid the 5 bucks and got nothing out of this…. So upset
what proxy server are you using?
Spite 3.0 sucks, does not work, and is a waste of money.
Wait for fall when ios 6.0 comes out it will bring Siri to the new iPad and the iPod touch. No need to jailbreak for that. So stop paying $5 dollers and worrying about Spite.
no its only coing to ipad
well if you use assistantconnect there is a gu on youtube who gives free keys to his subscribers. His name is like Guingui(numbershere)
Well that’s your fault. You should always backup to icloud everyday and to your computer about once a week if possible. Ecpecially if jailbroken.
did it work for u?
Hi,now i’m using ipad2 and i have success install siri into my ipad..but when i hold the home button it appear “spire not configured(open settings to configure proxy server)”
so what should i do and what is the proxy server??
Search the internet for a good working proxy server. gwrh is a good one but it takes time
thanks..will have a try soon =)
this is bullllllll MF now i have to restore my ipad!!!!!
dont do it u will have to restore your phone, i did it even after all the other commentd telling me not to but still did it and spent the rest of my night trying to restore
Stay Away!!! WOW!!! I had a really crazy chat conversation with someone on the technetec site. I paid for access back in late September. I have not yet gotten access to Spite (it’s October THIRD now) and went to that site to inquire. Dude was crazy rude and banned my IP from the site as well as threatened to post my IP to Twitter. Finally opted to “check” and then sent me an email address for someone else. The original site form this article leads to nothing now (404 I guess???)…Be careful here…something just don’t quite seem “right”…