Your iDevice’s volume management system is fair at best. For it to really shine it needs a better set of customizable options. This is why when the Cydia tweak MyVolume was released I was excited to share it with you. With the MyVolume Cydia tweak you can choose a custom value to increase or decrease your iDevice’s volume for every click of the volume buttons, or select a value to set the volume to when switching to Silent / Normal mode. MyVolume also has an app listing feature, which allows you to silent certain apps when launched or to set a custom value for volume when the iPod app is launched, to hear your music at the right volume.
One more great aspect to this new volume management tweak is the ability to be used with Activator. You can now specify gestures for a wide variety of volume related controls to make you more productive.
Personally I think MyVolume is a great Cydia tweak that adds a lot of functionality to your iDevice. If you are interested in this tweak it is available for purchase through the Cydia Store for a price of $1.99! Let us know your thoughts on the MyVolume tweak or take this conversation further on our new forums.
Note: Requires iOS 3.2 or higher and works on all devices: for certain of them some features won’t show up, though. (e.g all those features that plays with the Ringer Switch won’t show up on iPod touches.).
TBH, i don’t see a SUPER need for this. Volume goes up and down by its self just fine, and if need be.. there is a mute toggle..
Again i ask, why are Cydia Dev’s charging stuff like this 2-3 dollars when it should be 99 cents.
honestly, this app woud be worth it IFF it allowed you to set custom commands to increase/decrease the volume. For example, what if I wanted to increase the volume by using btstack keyboard with cmd+1 and to decrease the volume with cmd+2.
THAT would be an amazing increase in functionality as no one has yet to date made a basic volume controller for activator to use