Who likes to display information and widgets in the Notification Center?
Saturday a tweak called N Stats came out in Cydia and the BigBoss repository for the Notification Center developed by Yandong Wang. Recently, trying ncRam, WeeStats and OmniStat, I kept N Stats. Tweaks like, ncRam only displays the available free ram, WeeStats isn’t for iOS 6, OmniStat while it does display much information, took up too much space and I wasn’t a fan of the pie graph.
As seen in the picture above, N Stats is placed above the BatteryDoctor Widget. N Stats Widget shows three different type of system readings for the user; the amount of free memory, the amount of free storage, and a bandwidth monitor to show the current upload and download speed of the network your device is connected to. The bandwidth monitor will constantly update between Kilobytes and Megabytes as needed.
The widget looks sleek, simple and has a great look. If you like to keep an eye on information like memory, N Stats is a nice way to show it. The Widget hardly takes up room, and has three separate windows that are color coded. In addition, I think the widget would go well with NCSettings as well.
The Widget is free, compatible with iOS 5 and above. After installation, the user can head over to Settings/Notifications to enable or disable the tweak by turning it off or on and dragging it into place where you would like. Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
what’s the skin you used for your nc?
Is apart of the ayecon theme
How did you rename your BatteryDoctor preset?
xBoomBastiKx, where i can find the theme for your nc?
It’s from the theme ayecon it’s in Cydia
No, I didn’t. I actually removed then re-installed. When you first install BatteryDoctor Pro it sets it to Fav, and user has to apply the other pre-sets like indoor, outdoor, sleep
what´s the tweak you used to organize the notifications??
I have ayecon and sbs theme for it looks totally different.
What tweak let’s u have acces to apps from NC? and what groups notifications?
Battery doctor
what font you are using…
pls. whats that font id really like it help me…