Would you like an easy way to increase the speed of Siri? Well, if you are then you should take the time to check out the QuickSiri Cydia tweak. What the QuickSiri Cydia tweak claims to do is make Siri launch faster on your iPhone 4S. The way this Cydia tweak accomplishes this is by removing the initial small bottom bar that Siri, by default, appears within, and instead jumps directly to the fullscreen view.
As the QuickSiri Cydia tweak removes the small Siri bottom bar it will also fix the glitch/lag that effects older generation iOS devices running Spire. I was personally able to test this Cydia tweak and can conclude that it definitely does work as advertised, but don’t expect any substantial speed increases.
If you are interested in the QuickSiri Cydia tweak you can find it through the ModMyi repo for FREE. Let us know what you think of this tweak in the comments section.
i can’t find it….
this dose not fix anything still cant make calls or play music with spire why
Spire wount play music it says “sorry,I don’t understand “play music” help please