Is everything different then the way you remember it? Do you miss things the way they were? Are you afraid of change? Don’t worry, I’m here to educate and entertain, not to judge.
Redire is a Cydia tweak that promises to restore the Camera in your lock screen to the way it was before 5.1. Just install the tweak and respring. From now on you can tap the home button twice on your locked iPhone, press the camera button, and be whisked away to the camera app, just for old times’ sake. The app does what it promises and can be uninstalled easily by removing its package from your phone.
This tweak is designed by Ron Melkhior, the developer behind tweaks such as SwipeSiri and AppSlider and is available in Cydia for FREE through the BigBoss repository. Are there any other changes in 5.1 that make you uncomfortable? Let us know about the other tweaks you would like to see in the comments section below.
I used to love lockalert but it’s not compatible with ios 5.1 neither is fast respring and I’m looking for a way to be able to tap stuff on lockscreen instead of sliding. I also had movetounlock but it gets messed up with ios 5.1 I wonder if I use it together with this tweak if it will work or just crash my iPod. Thanx