Is your iPhone 4 already running iOS 5.1.1 tethered? If so, MuscleNerd just sent out a tweet warning users not to attempt to use the “reset all device and settings” option in Absinthe, but instead to download the untether patch from Cydia. The Chronic Dev Team has released Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 onto Cydia/Telephereo, which is the untether jailbreak based on exploits discovered by Pod2g and Planetbeing. Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 will allow you to boot untethered without external tools like RedSn0w.
(Keep in mind that “Racoon” is an intentional misspelling, based on a previous tool.)
If you just jailbroke your iPhone using RedSn0w and Absinthe, this package will already be on your phone. The important thing to know that removing the package will remove your phone’s jailbreak if your device relies on Rocky Racoon for the untether. The Cydia page mentions the second and third generation iPads and the iPhone 4S.
Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether is available for download in the Cydia/Telesphoreo repository, which is a default source in Cydia.
Let us know if you have any issues with the Rocky Racoon untether in the comments section below.
i have i pad 2 it was from factory on ios 5.1
the jailbreak is not work on my device
so what i do to be work
Rocky Racoon worked great for me! Thank you to all who have worked so
hard to bring an untethered jailbreak to 5.1.1 ! Keep up the good work!
its work thanks for all
Rocky Racoon worked great for me! Thank you to all who have worked so hard to bring an untethered jailbreak to 5.1.1 ! Keep up the good work!
You must update to iOS 5.1.1 for it to work.
Tool worked however mywii does not work now. It will connect however when using racoon fix it fail to transmit data. Safari works fine.
thanks working amazing
i’m using iphone 3gs, ios 5.1.1 and tethered jb.
when i search for rocky raccoon in my cydia its not showing up in the search result.
check on changes at cydia and press update on the right corner.
then try to find at search.
I installed the tweak and then rebooted it. It did not work and i had to boot it using redsn0w.
Update: It said it was not conpatible with my device. My device is iPhone3gs with Ipad BB and on 5.1.1
not worked for me.. using ultrasnow unlock and redsnow…. please help
not worked for me.. using ultrasnow unlock and redsnow…. please help
i have an iphone 4 ios 5.1 teathered jailbreak. i tried to look through cydia for rocky racoon and its not showing up. so i read the previous comments when you said go to change and update well mine says refreash but it wont. it says it is unable to. what do you think the beast thing for me to do?
Not working for me. iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
Jailbroke iPhone with RedSnow (Mac). I still have to use RedSnow to boot my phone.
I hav an iPhone 4 and iPad 2 both on iOS 5.1.1 and wen i try to load the big boss repo it crashes and goes into safe mode, any ideas please?
Worked like a charm… I could reboot anytime I want thxx
thankyou, have 3GS on BB 6.15.00 and this worked like a charm
stuck on logo after reboot 5.1.1
Love the unteathered jailbreak!!!!! If your having issue dont forget when you open cydia to look at the changes tab. There have been some new updates for certain programs that have just recently been released that you must perform for this all to work. Love the fact I dont have to worry about my phone dying!!!!!!
Same here
Same here
still doesnt work for me… i am using an iphone 3gs on 5.1.1 gets stuck on apple loading screen when its turn off randomly or dies
can this be isntalled using cyder-2 ? as I dont have wifi working . If yes then please share repo link
You need to use redsnow to boot it. Go to Extra>”Just boot “. Follow the instructions it will boot. Every time u have to do that. Just found on web asking to use Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 but I cant see any download yet.
Is that work on iphone3gs ???? Any one successfull on 3gs ??
working fine for me i searched from cydia and it does not show but i get it by selecting the source cydia/telesphoreo and installed Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 and nw its working fine for me
Thanks works great on iPod 4g 5.1.1
boot time are now 10 minutes on my ipod touch 4g 5.1.1
please help me !!! it just keeps re-spring !!! i don’t know what to do after install it !!! plz someone help me !!!
it worked for me i have an ipod touch 3g,32g,ios 5.1.1 tethered(now untethered) jailbreak though i can’t see it anywhere i only see it on cydia,not in the settings,not on my home screen,not in anything!but does that mean i’m on an untethered jailbreak already?
it stops when it configuring. than czdia have an error. i have to reboot …
the crashreporter saz memorz warning. but not low memorz. i dont understand. need help!
change the spelling to rocky racoon
only one C
Just installed on my 3GS 16GB with the new bootrom, works a charm :D
same here.
cydia doesn’t work and says unable to load after i jailbroke with rocky-racoon
yea do you fix?
Doesn’t work on my tethered 3gs on 5.1.1 and BB 6.15 I still need to use redsnow to boot it. What do I need to do?
i jailbroke it and it work fine till it rebooted, everytime i reboot my ipad i need to rejailbreak it again with absinthe 2.0.4 and my ipad 2 ios 5.1.1
Cydia is not opening up after jailbreaked my iPhone 4s w/iOS 5.1.1 using redsn0w 0.9.12b2. Cydia will flash up and close immediately
Cydia is not opening up after jailbreaked my iPhone3gs w/iOS 5.1.1 using redsn0w 0.9.10b6. Cydia will flash up and close immediately
am so stuck i have jailbroken my iphone 4s but unable to upgrade software, tried downloaded rocky racoon but wont let me conflicting issues can anyone help im completely stuck
works perfect on 3gs 5.1.1 with rocky racoon …thanks a lot….. great job
Not working for me. iPhone 3gs, iOS 5.1.1
I have an unlocked iPhone 4s w/ firmware 2.0.12 version 5.1.1 using the above method with gevy for the unlock. Calling and texting is no problem however when I try to input the tmobile APN settings I can not get the data to work.
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
i’m using iphone 3gs, ios 5.1.1 and tethered jb.
when i search for rocky raccoon in my cydia its not showing up in the search result. And then I opened the itunes to see if recognize the iphone and it just appear the apple and a little bar on the screen of the phone, what should I do? Thanks.
first of allconnect your device to computer abd set your iphone in DFU mode then open the redsnow and press button “Extras” then click on button “just boot” process will be started and your phone will reboot after that try to open the cydia and you will see that it is working
used absinthe 2.0.1 for ipod 5.1.1 and after downloading winterboard cydia and safari wont work
I instal cydia, Rocky Racoon in the last version but stil dosn´t work, my iphone was carrier by Bell Movility (canada), can you help me please!!!
I downloaded the absinthe jailbreak and some days later i deleted cydia. I cant get cydia back. Can someone help me?
Thanks! I did exactly what you said and pressed the refresh button and the updating began. And i went back to search tab and typed rocky racoon 5.1.1 it took a while i thought it was not searching, i went to manage tab and suddenly rocky racooc showed up ready for installation. i just clicked on install and it worked! Thank you so much for all the inputs i have read in here!
You are probally using a tethered jailbreak.. In that case tether from redsnow and try again