Earlier this week we told you about the SARA Cydia tweak that brings Siri to older models of the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Though results with SARA were hit and miss according to the feedback we got, SARA still may be a viable alternative to Siri for those who are not willing to setup their own Spire Proxy server or do not want to pay for a private Spire Proxy server. If you are a fan of SARA or are interested in trying out SARA you will be glad to know that yet another extension was released for SARA, dubbed SaraDictation.
The SaraDictation Cydia tweak brings voice diction to older models of the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. This will allow you to take voice notes, reply to SMS messages through voice and do whatever else you can think of without having to type.
Unfortunately the SaraDictation Cydia tweak does not really integrate natively with the iOS 5 firmware. As instead of pressing the mic icon on your keyboard to activate Siri Diction you will need to set an Activator command for SaraDictation and then actually paste the voice-to-text recording where you wish to use it. Regardless, if you are interested in the SaraDictation Cydia tweak you can find it in in the developers repo (shown below in the quoted area). You can add this repository by launching Cydia, going into the manage tab, then the sources section, clicking the edit and then the add button:
Let us know what you think of the SaraDictation Cydia tweak in the comments section below…
wasn’t siri0us officially shut down after “being deleted,” about a month ago? Something that would be cool if it came back. Was all I really wanted with Siri. Proxy still working though. Surprised you even wrote that in.
Thanks for the reminder Mex. It slipped my mind that Siri0us was removed. It is really a shame as it worked very well when I initially tested it!
no problem. Didn’t mean to sound dickish at the end, was in a weird state called jet lag. wasn’t it just work around of nuance systems that apple uses for recognition. Basically now what google API offers for dictation. And its legal so apple can suck it.
I Was using Sara, it had an additude, replied back, said I love you kissed me and said we are dating, also said I was a walrus, and said that it controls me. Please fix this!
this seems to work pretty well
SaraDictation seems to integrate fine with keyboards from mxtube and youtube searches. Go figure…