Earlier this week we told you that the popular SemiTethered Jailbreaking solution was updated to version 0.7.9. This update included numerous stability improvements and fixed a lot of errors users were experiencing while Jailbreaking their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad Semitethered with the SemiTether Cydia package.
Today BigBoss along with Saurik (creator of Cydia) has updated the SemiTethered Jailbreak to version 0.9.1. This new version of the SemiTethered Jailbreak contains an updated version of MobileSubstrate that is currently in a beta testing period (expect bugs). The benefits of using this beta version of MobileSubstrate, however, is that it will get rid of all the daemon patching which in turn means you will be able to use Notification Center plugins and also Mobile Safari (with patching) upon restarting into a SemiTethered state. Overall you will additionally notice the SemiTether 0.9.1 Cydia package is much more stable than in previous versions.
BigBoss has noted that the following changes come in to play in the SemiTether 0.9.1 Cydia package:
Summary of changes:
- Much more stable with new mobile substrate
- Can patch safari so it works in the non-jailbreak reboot mode
- App to monitor the status of your semitether and reapply. Check after cydia installs.
- Keep in mind that I am additionally looking into a patch for the mail.app
If you were experiencing any of the errors with previous versions of the SemiTether Cydia Package we suggest updating version 0.9.1. Let us know if this update has fixed errors with your SemiTethered iOS 5 Jailbreak in the comments section below…
Note: For more information on this SemiTethered Jailbreak click here. For a guide on how to Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad SemiTethered on the iOS 5 firmware click here.
will this solve the preserve baseband issue with iphone4 for iOS5? by mistake i upgraded my iphone4 to iOS5 without preserving the baseband :(
my safari in the non-jb mode still doesnt work. btw what is does mean with change log #3?
After upgrading i dont know what is wrong but it keep me on safe mode always and i cant get out from safe mode, please help
hangs at apple logo.doesnt proceed :(
I cant still use installous.
Try using tiny umbrella v.5.00.12a, it has the function of getting out of the recovery loop. From then onwards boot tether and wait for iDevice to reboot. I had the same issue when safemode kept looping on my 3G[s]. so I’ll confirm it works. You can try recboot or fixreovery if tiny umbrella does’nt work for you? Hope I’d helped you out is some way?
ive emailed big boss about this and here is the automated reply i got:
Please read carefully.
If you are mailing because semi-tether does not work for you when you reboot
(stuck at apple logo or such), this is caused by some app you installed
that does not adhere to normal mobile substrate patching. So far, every
person with this problem has appsync installed. There are several
versions of this floating around. There is no fix for this. Appsync was
written to directly patch a system file and does not do memory run time
patching as it should. You have to choose, appsync or semi tether. If
you want semitether, you must remove appsync. Not only that, but some
versions of appsync may not even remove themselves properly. You may
even have to restore if this is the case. You should contact the appsync guys for further help here.
Thanks LanG, i will try it… And let u know later on..
Hi LanG, can u tell me where to download tiny umbrella v.5.00.12a, because i just download it at notcom’s web and there’s only v.5.00.12 and i tried twice on my device (iphone 4) and it doesn’t fix anything i still got safe mode running on my iphone. please help. thanks
clash with installous and appsync. apps downloaded from installous can’t be transfered to itunes. even after semitethered is uninstalled
reboot using redsnow… I couldnt get the semi tether to work either but I dont want to either if I have to get rid of installous and appsync….whats the point of having a jailbroke phone but having to pay for apps…