Slide to Reboot is a new Cydia tweak that adds a reboot option to the Slide to Power Off screen. With this tweak installed, you’ll be able to reboot instead of just powering off your iOS device.
After installing the tweak, you’ll need to tap on the knob on the Slide to Power Off slider to get the reboot option. The knob then shows a reboot button and the text Slide to Reboot. A simple and quite useful tweak, which can come in handy when you simply want to reboot your device.
Slide to Reboot is currently available in the BigBoss repo for free. Also, do not worry, the packages in BigBoss do not contain any malwares whatsoever. Recently, the BigBoss repo was hacked and all the packages (both paid and free) were available for download.
BetterPowerDown is much better! Awesome 7.1 UI, has shut down, reboot, and respring. $0.99
Or a free one, RePower, has the same thing, but not as nice of a UI.
If you do download BetterPowerDown, go into settings and enable RePower, and it will have all 3. Just don’t have both installed at the same time as it’ll look very weird.