SBSettings is one of the first tweaks I typically install on my Apple Device and those of my friends. One of the options we like from using SBSettings is the ability to add information to the statusbar.
If you like to display other types of data on the Status bar, then look no further than StatusModifier which is a new, free tweak available on the ModMyi repository developed by Firemoon777. The tweak adds seconds to the time and free memory to the right of the clock in the Status Bar. Both are updated in real time every second. Before and After pictures are shown above.
StatusModifier adds a preferences pane in general settings where users will find the options to enable or disable seconds and/or free memory if they choose to do so. I personally prefer to disable seconds, and add free memory to my Status Bar.
The tweak is compatible on iOS 7 and 64-bit devices. It will be interesting to see if the developer adds any future options for the Status Bar, such as the date. Let us know what you think of StatusModifier in the comment section below.
What theme do you have?
Date (and local weather, of course, but let’s not get greedy) would improve this tweak about 1000%.
Camera and Settings are from PerfectHaz3-HD. Calendar is stock and Photos is a private concept.
Anyone knows how to get the date up there like before?
Another great tweak like this is Cloaky. It can do everything this one can plus more, minus the RAM thing. Search it on Cydia, it’s well worth its price!
how can u make icons private while others are still on the PerfectHaz3-HD theme ?
The Photos icon isn’t private now. Designed by Nicholas Gigliotti, he started the post here. reddit(dot)com/r/jailbreak/comments/1tmjv0/new_cydia_icon_ios_7_style/
Replace (dot) with . in your browser.
You can get in touch with him, his name is D4RKL0RD198 on Reddit.