If you are looking for a subtle way to modify the lockscreen of your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad then you will want to check out the SubtleLock Cydia tweak. This tweak will add close to 100 pixels of extra space to your lockscreen by reducing the height of both the lockscreen slider bar and the lockscreen clock. This will allow you to see more of your lockscreen wallpaper, but more importantly open up for additional notifications to be displayed.
Subtlelock will not interfere with the lockscreen music controls and is compatible with LockInfo 5 and Tempus. The nice thing about SubtleLock is that it does not require a respring when it is disable or re-enabled through the Settings app. The tweak is compatible with the iOS 6 firmware and so-far has only been tested on the iPhone. It should without a doubt work fine on the iPod Touch, but as for the iPad it is hard to tell.
Like most of the tweaks that seem to be popping into Cydia recently, SubtleLock is indeed a premium tweak that will cost you $1.00 through the BigBoss repo via Cydia. If you would like to simplify the lockscreen then SubtleLock is the tweak for you. Let us know what you think of it in the comments section below.
does not work with forecast :(