With lots of themes available on Cydia, it will take you days to find a good looking and unique theme which will give a nice touch to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Even the featured themes listed on Cydia will turn out to be ugly and not what you expected. So we have compiled a list of top 5 elegant and stylish looking themes on Cydia which will give a unique look to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
Prestige HD
Prestige HD is one of the most popular WinterBoard theme available on Cydia. A prestigious, classic and highly sleek theme made for your iPhone’s Retina display. The shiny icons and the user interface have been carefully redesigned to work with almost all applications giving your device a unique feel. Check out the screenshots to see the real beauty of this theme:
You can purchase Prestige HD from the ZodTTD repository for $3.50.
inPulse Theme (Retina)
Own a Retina display device? If so, then this theme is definitely for you. inPulse adds 3D metallic chrome round edges to your icons giving it a stylish look. It’s a professional and High Definition theme. You can also use this theme to customize the lock screen, slide-to-unlock bar, music, calendar and more. It’s available in a non-Retina version also.
You can purchase inPulse from the ModMyi repository for $2.99.
GlasKlart HD
One of my favourite themes, GlasKart HD, meaning “clear as glass” in Swedish, adds a glass-like effect to your SpringBoard icons, lockscreen slider and pop ups; giving it a nice touch. The icons are beautifully transparent which blends in with the wallpaper making it shine through. This theme works best with HD wallpapers.
You can install Glasklart HD for free from Cydia.
Matte Nano HD
This theme is the HD version of the popular Matte Nano theme which is compatible with Retina display devices. It’s a simple complete theme designed with beauty, featuring over 3000 customized icons. Additionally you can install Matte UI Graphite and Matte SBSettings to make this theme even more complete.
You can install Matte Nano HD from the BigBoss repository for free.
This theme is perfectly fit for users with a white iPhone. Noki HD is an elegant White theme with unique icons making your device feel stylish and futuristic. This theme is made by FIF7Y, a huge contributor to the Jailbreaking community and is well known for his other quality themes such as Prestige HD.
You can install Noki-HD from Theme It for $3.50.
What did you think about these Cydia themes for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad? Let us know in the comments.
Nice. You can also download a free theme called “Boss” from the modmyi repository. It is an amazing theme with a lot of extras. It rivals and often surpasses the best and most expensive themes, and its free. Check it out.