I know a lot of you have been waiting for a “Top Cydia Tweaks 2012” related article, and you will be glad to know I have finally had a chance to get such a list together. The Cydia tweaks that I chose to be included on this list were tweaks that I consider to be “newer” Cydia tweaks and tweaks that provide unique functionality for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. As far as I know all of these tweaks are compatible with the iOS 5.1.1 firmware and all iOS devices including the new iPad (iPad 3). So without further adieu, I present to you iJailbreak’s top Cydia tweaks of 2012 for your newly Jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
Top Cydia Tweaks 2012
CleverPin ($1.99)
The CleverPin Cydia tweak will disable your iOS lockscreen when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network of your choice. Generally this would be your home Wi-Fi network because you should not need to be as worried about your iOS devices security when you are at your own house.
–> Click Here For More Information
AnyLockApp (Free)
With the AnyLockApp Cydia tweak you can replace the camera icon shortcut on your lockscreen that appears when double tapping the home button with an application of your choice.
–> Click Here For More Information
Zephyr ($2.99)
With the Zephyr Cydia tweak you can bring up the multitasking bar by simply swiping up from the bottom of your screen to the top of the screen. Additionally, the Zephyr Cydia tweak allows you to switch between applications by simply sliding right to left or left to right on your iOS devices screen. There are also numerous other gestures like swiping up to close applications.
–> Click Here For More Information
Dashboard X ($1.99)
Dashboard X brings widgets to your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad that can be placed anywhere on your SpringBoard (homescreen). The Dashboard X Cydia tweak can place Notification Center widgets or Dashboard X specific widgets on your SpringBoard. There is even a handy Dashboard screen that can be accessed through a configured Activator action that will display various widgets as well.
–> Click Here For More Information
Quasar ($9.99)
The Quasar Cydia tweak is the first of its kind and lets you manage multiple apps on the same screen, without having to switch between them (just like on a desktop computer). It’s basically a windows manager that opens up apps in separate windows so you can work on them simultaneously. The tweak is iPad only, no doubt, and works just like the regular multi-tasking in iOS.
–> Click Here For More Information
SwipeSelection (Free)
With SwipeSelection you can move the cursor by swiping a finger across the virtual keyboard and select by swiping a finger forward across the shift key. The selection is smooth and should feel natural to those familiar with selecting text on a desktop computer using shift and the arrow keys.
–> Click Here For More Information
Unfold (Free)
The Unfold Cydia tweak will bring a “Fold-To-Unlock” effect to your iOS device’s lockscreen that is really quite amazing. It really is candy to the eye!
–> Click Here For More Information
Reveal ($1.99)
With the Reveal Cydia tweak installed you never have to worry about shortened notifications again as you can scroll horizontally through banner notifications, and vertically for lockscreen notifications. Additionally, you can tap a lockscreen notification and it will fully expand the message for you.
–> Click Here For More Information
Switchy ($1.00)
What the Switchy Cydia tweak does is essentially make the app switcher bigger. Not only does it have space for an extra row of tiles, it also brings the page indicator lights to the bar making it two and a half times bigger. Switchy puts all the music controls on one page, and includes a brightness slider as well as a button for clearing apps from the background.
–> Click Here For More Information
Firebreak (Free)
With the Firebreak Cydia tweak you can take panorama pictures on your iOS device with a gyroscope (iPhone 4/iPad 2 or newer). As long as you have a steady hand you will be pleasantly surprised with the quality of the panorama photos you can take! *Update* At this time this tweak is not compatible with iOS 5.1.1, but it is a tweak to keep an eye one when an update is released.
–> Click Here For More Information
Other Cydia Tweaks Worth Checking Out
IntelliScreenX ($9.99)
Springtomize 2 ($2.99)
Barrel ($2.99)
Gridlock ($0.99)
Activator (Free)
SBSettings (Free)
iFile ($4.00)
BiteSMS ($8.99)
Siri Cydia Tweaks Worth Checking Out
Hands-Free Control ($2.99)
Sireet (Free)
Lingual (Free)
AssistantExtensions (Free)
International Locations for Siri ($0.99)
Spite ($5)
As long as this list is I know I have missed Cydia tweaks that veteran Jailbreakers will surely recommend. There are just so many great Cydia tweaks out there that I could not possibly include them all. That is why I am going to turn it over to you to let us know what Cydia tweaks you consider to be “your top Cydia tweaks 2012”. Please your responses in the comments section below.
Firebreak is not working in 5.1.1
And gridlock isn’t free. Really, Jaden, check what you write next time. Your mistakes happen way too often.
haha gridlock free for me
We know what you do, you installed insanelyi repo and xsellize repo and.. So you got it for free.
Tweaks I have successfuly installed on my iPhone 4 (GSM) with 5.1.1:
– Unfold
– Activator
– Forecast
– Fusion
– OpenNotifier
– Springtomize 2
– SwitcherMod
– Zephyr
– Zeppelin
Come on people, focus on the article rather than Bitching over trivial ‘indiscretions’…
how did you get it for free
Why not include activator instead of zephyr? Is it older, yes. But is it free and provide a ton of functionality in the same category (and also be extendable), yes.
Just my thought – otherwise a great list, thanks!
Um I have an iPad and Quasar makes safari crash? Is it just my iPad?? Btw sorry if I sound kind of stupid lol
BrowserChooser if you use Google Chrome or any other browser instead of Safari to make it your default browser.
What is “firebreak”? I want to know about its works and use.
nice post, i’m new to jailbreak and this list is special because it consists of newer tweaks. the other lists out there are almost identical. thanks for this post! appreciate it a lot :)
Just great list, thanks!
Still wonder if there ins’t an alternative to Yfiselect that is not working under 5.1.1.
It’s a useful tool to quickly change wifi network.
You suck thoses are all free
It says it right On the last sentence that it’s not compatible with 5.1.1
unfold freezes my phone i got barrel also that maybe makes it conflikt ?
i love unfold but i also need to use my phone so hope you fix that mr
nice !
WidgetTask – brings Multitasking Bar to the Notification Center
I also have both barrel & fold. What version IOS are u running ? I’m running 5.1.1 and have a boat load of tweaks and color mods and have never had an issue. The only issue i ever had was when I installed gridlock
because times are hard, duh! people barely have money for their phone bill these days, without buying ridiculously overpriced apps. if the price is reasonable a lot more people would buy it instead of downloading the crack. there is never a time when an app should be more than 99 cents. it’s not as if it costs more to make certain apps, in fact, it doesn’t cost anything other than time. IMO (and obviously many others as well) they try to charge much more than worth.
lol who actually read the text message,lol
ICaughtU Pro is a superb app. Takes photo and emails location of anyone attempting to access your device. Also has fake mode which enables limited access, just long enought for the cops to get there. In conjunction w find my phone never felt safer
The Zephyr just so great I’ve been looking for it so long, finally I can use some iPad gestures on iPhone!
With the I caught you app what happens if I enter the password Wong will my phone lock up?
Wow Quasar is the BEST! I can have multiple windows of apps now :D
Omgz I’m in love with my iPhone❤
gridlock is my best app