If you are someone who prefers subtle Cydia tweaks over ones that completely change the functionality or look of various areas of iOS then you are going to love the TranslucentStatusBar for Safari Cydia tweak. Despite the tweaks seriously long name, it is actually a neat little tweak that modifies mobile Safari to a slight degree to make the status bar slightly transparent.
By default the status bar in Safari is solid as you are scrolling, meaning everything behind the status bar is hidden from your view. Although there are tweaks to completely hide the status bar, often times it is useful to still display it. With TranslucentStatusBar for Safari you can have the best of both world and still display the status bar, but also still be able to see right through it. Giving you more room to view web pages!

(Left) Safari by default. (Right) Safari with TranslucentStatusBar.
If you are interested in the Translucent StatusBar for Safari Cydia tweak you can find it on the BigBoss repo for free. There are not Settings to configure and no icons will be added to your home screen. Be sure to let us know what you think of the tweak in the comments section below.
lame. full screen safari would be better
Pass this is crap
I navigated to a Trojan URL and now my iPhone status bar is translucent. If I reset my phone, will it erase the malware and restore my safety?