Back in 2010 with the announcement of the Mac AppStore also came an announcement from Saurik that we would see a Mac OS X version of Cydia. In fact he announced he had created a special version of MobileSubstrate called CydiaSubstrate that was compatible with both iOS and Mac OS X operating systems.
Note: MobileSubstrate is a framework in which Cydia tweaks are based on. It makes creating Cydia tweaks much easier for developers.
Saurik even mentioned that if any developers were interested in submitting packages to the Mac OS X version of Cydia to contact him. As this new Mac OS X version of Cydia would be ready in a “few weeks”. Many people were getting really excited for this Mac OS X version of Cydia and it seemed as if the Jailbreaking Community was about to take another giant step forward.
Ever since Saurik’s last update on CydiaSubstrate, however, everything seemed to go quite. Weeks went by… turning into months and then everyone has seemed to have forgotten this project.
The iJailbreak team was discussing this the other day, and decided we would try to get a definite answer.
What happened the the Mac OS X version of Cydia? Is it still a work-in-progress or has it been cancelled?
Please help spread the word by sharing this post on Twitter, Facebook, Google+1 etc… and let’s see if we can get a reply from Saurik himself.
Note: This post is in no way bashing Saurik for not releasing the Mac OS X version of Cydia. We understand that good things take time. We are just trying to figure out if the Mac OS X version of Cydia will someday be released.
how would cydia for mac work . wouldn’t it be pointless . because it would just be a mini app store for apps that couldn’t make into the app store. And cydia doest support piracy so what possibly could it be
cydia only says it doesn’t support piracy. it lets you pirate all you want. i use cydia to pirate paid-for apps constantly and used cydia to get installous 4 to pirate app-store apps for free. it would likely be like that. something that was legal on Saurik’s end but made it easy for the user to use it to pirate anything.