Whozcalling: Help Identify Unknown Callers On Your iPhone!
Are you tired of not knowing who someone is when they are calling you from a number not in your contacts list? Well, if you are then you will be glad to know that a recently released Cydia tweak called Whozcalling can help identify unknown callers. Upon getting a call from an unknown number, with the Whozcalling Cydia tweak installed on your iPhone, you will be displayed the name of the unknown person calling you in a native notification box. According to user reviews the tweak can be hit-or-miss with its accuracy, however, if you are looking for this sort of functionality on your iPhone then this will obviously be your best bet.
If you are interested in the Whozcalling jailbreak tweak you can find it through the BigBoss repo for free.
Messages+: Was Known As Tlert And Updated For iOS 5 Compatibility
Have you ever been annoyed by the fact that whenever you get an SMS message and reply to it you are redirected to the Messages.app? Well, if it has then you will be glad to know that with the Messages+ Cydia tweak (formally known as Tlert) you can quickly compose and reply to SMS messages directly from any application. Another nice aspect of the tweak is its native integration of iMessage and the native iPhone SMS app.
Messages+ was developed by Intelliborn, the same development team that has been responsible for Cydia tweaks such as MyWi and IntelliScreenX. Thus, you know that the tweak is a quality tweak that has had a lot of development time behind it. The bottom line is, if you are looking to dramatically change your texting experience for the better, download and install the tweak from Cydia now.
If you are interested in the Messages+ tweak you can find it through the ModMyi repo for $7.99.
Recludo: Go To Music.app Upon Sliding To Unlock
The Recludo Cydia tweak is perfect for all of you music lovers! This is because Recludo, under one condition, will bring you directly to the Music.app when you slide to unlock your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. The condition being that the music controls are showing on your lockscreen (this happens when you double press your Home button on the lockscreen). If your music controls are not being shown on the lockscreen then you will simply be taken to your SpringBoard (homescreen).
If you are interested in the jailbreak tweak you can find it through the ModMyi repo for free.
Slider Pro: Customize The iOS Lockscreen
Are you looking for an easy way to customize your iPhone’s, iPod Touch’s or iPad’s lockscreen? Well if you are then you might want to consider installing the Slider Pro Cydia tweak to your iOS device. The tweak contains a large handful of settings that can be played around with to customize the iOS lockscreen to your personal liking. You can, for example, set custom text, set different date/time formats and a large handful of other neat settings.
If you are interested in the Slider Pro Cydia tweak you can find it through the ModMyi repo for free.
Let us know your thoughts on these handy jailbreak tweaks below!
i installed this tweak/app/whatever you call it and all of a sudden i couldnt recieve calls! i could phone out and when anybody phoned my phone it would sound like it was ringing on their phone but the screen on mine was as if no calls were coming through?!?
does it work even if it’s not connected to internet?
Please add a giant warning to this article, here’s why, this is from the whozcalling TOS:
“You agree to share your number for verification and checking your favorites from contacts purposes. You agree that the application will have access to your mobile contact list available. You agree that any material, information, or other communication relating to the Software, including all data and other things embodied therein, that you transmit to InMobiles, will be considered non-confidential”
Would anybody install this if they knew this is what InMobiles promised to do with their data?
From my exp. i guess that this app takes all then numbers in your contacts (for whoever installs this app) and saves them to the app database on a server, when you get a call it will first send the number calling you to the server and lookup the number from other people contact numbers and once found it will return to u with the name/names, so yes you need a good 3G/4G coverage to be able to send the numbers and download the contact info fast.
what if u r not connected to the net? the app wont work and u wont get anything. what if the coverage is poor?phone might ring with the number and u will have to wait for the app to identify it, or u might never see ur phone ringing or might ring after some time if the app was configured to just give up connecting to its server if the network is too slow after specified time. (not sure how it is configured tho) but according the the owner’s FAQ the phone will ring normally just wait few seconds for the app to identify.
so to sum up:
-The more ppl downloads this app the bigger the database will grow
-You are sending ur contacts to the servers then to other users
-You need a good coverage to get the info faster
Thanks for sharing this info. I’ll try it next week.
sure hope this helps. Maybe they could make this program a bit more advanced by showing a notification if there is any complaint or report made against the phone number like what the consumer complaint site called Callercenter does. You know, scams have been going on and knowing if a call you’re getting is one, will be a big advantage.
i installed it on my iphone 4 ios 5.1 but it wont open every time i click the program it closes what to do plz ?!?!
So this means if you have the CDMA iPhone and aren’t connected to a wifi network at the time then it won’t work, since they can’t transfer data while on a voice connection.
guys i need help from an expert
i already downloaded WhozCalling me on my 3G Software 4.2.1
my problem is i cant get it working every time i get a call its says Fetching Name Wait.. then it says failed to connect to a network connection
how could i fix it
plz help me
my iphone already connected to the internet
On what mike dwells said there is a great aPp out there on the app sto called mr. Number. Green app icon with white silouette of a man holding a phone. Not the penguin one. Anyway it lets you get 20 reverse lookups 4 99¢ and if it fails to give you a callers name they will not charge you for that one even if there arw already user comments stating what it is. Also if its a punk ass telebugga boo marketer peoPle will have left comments u can read and add too and vote on spam or not.
Youre so awesome dude! I love that app.
Mine are better and I dont have to hide them behind a curtain. Tease!