OPW (One Page Widgets) Win10 can be found on the ModMyi repo and is an updated alternative to Dreamboard. With a smooth, slick interface it will super-charge your home screen with a usable Windows 10 based theme.
Primarily, it makes a one-page based system so there’s no more of that swiping across a potentially large number of pages to find that app you’re looking for. It’s much easier on the system making it a theme that can last all day long, you can open your apps, receive notifications as well as look at all the normal system indicators such as battery percent or WiFi. They are instead down in the bottom right, like on Windows.
Down at the bottom of the screen, you’ve got the task bar including a start menu on the Windows icon as well as a great little AppDrawer. Simply tap the start button, open ‘All Apps’ and you can quickly and easily scroll through your apps. The best part about this is that you can mark an app as a ‘favourite’ and it’ll be right at the top, great for those handy apps that you can’t live without.
There’s even ‘desktop icons’ if you really want to unleash the ‘computer-power’ that the iPhone is renowned for having.
Don’t forget notifications, with the classic Windows ‘bell’ icon, simply give it a tap to display a neatly formatted list of notifications allowing you to scroll through and easily dismiss them as and when necessary.
One slight problem so far is that on launch of some apps, the widgets will still be displayed. The developer recommends going into Settings -> Accessibility & turn Reduce Motion on.
What do you think of this? Is this going to be your next daily driver or is it just a gimmick? Maybe it’s just suited for the 6 Plus?
Leave a comment below about your experience with Win10.
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