Yesterday we told you that AT&T were going to be changing their policy on unlocking out of contract iPhones due to the increased pressure from the public and even Apple themselves. We said that starting this Sundays AT&T will be allowing customers who have completed their service contracts, and are in good standing, to unlock their iPhone. AT&T has sure enough followed through with their promise and as long as you meet the requirements you can unlock your iPhone for free.
Just how can you unlock your AT&T iPhone? Well, there are a few different ways you could proceed. The first would be to phone AT&T’s technical support, the second would be to visit an actual AT&T store, and third, as pointed out by iDB, would be to simply use AT&T’s online chat. Thus, in this how to guide you will learn how to unlock your out of contract AT&T iPhone for free using AT&T’s online chat.
How To Easily Unlock AT&T iPhone
Step 1) – The first thing you will need to do is actually grab your iPhone, go to Settings > General > About and from this page write down your IMEI number.
Step 2) – With your IMEI number handy you will need to head on over to AT&T’s online chat support page by clicking here. You will then need to login to your account, and then click the Chat Now link next to technical support.
Step 3) – When you begin talking to an AT&T representative you will simply need to tell them that you would like to unlock your out of contract iPhone. Additionally, you will also need to give them your IMEI number which you wrote down earlier. When the AT&T representative has this information he will be able to determine if you are eligible for the free unlock.
Step 4) – If all goes well you will be asked for your email address so they can send you more details about how to proceed in about a week or so when your unlock request goes through. From here you will simply need to wait it out until you receive a follow-up email that will include further instructions.
Done! If you have any further questions to do with the unlocking process or would like to share your thoughts about your experience please turn your attention to the comments section below…
I need one AT&T email… Because I cannot create by my IP address.. Please Help Me!
What if we no longer have an AT&T account?
I tried doing this with my old 3GS and according to AT&T my IMEI number isn’t an original AT&T phone so they couldn’t do anything. It was jailbroken and running 6.15.00 firmware. I wonder if this somehow changed my original IMEI number, either way, I was able to unlock my iphone 4, so now I’m just waiting for the email back
I need an AT&T email.. I need some help..
it’s not fair………….. mine is italian !!! Tim doen’t do that !!! XD
took 2 minutes….
can u help me contacting att as i cant create account and i live in cyprus, i want u to give them my imei nomber to unlock it, help pls
this was useless for me. i bought a used iphone at gamestop that comes with no sim inside and locked to at&t. then called (International users have to dial 1-800-335-4685). with the IMEI number to have it unlocked and explained my problem. that i did not know the original owner. they said it was impossible. that i would need the first owner phone# and contract# or contract end date. that the IMEI alone from my iphone was worth nothing for them. too bad. so watch out if you buy a second hand one
also the chat support is useless cos you need to register an valid at&t service. and with out of contract phones you got no service to register
alan can you help me do the same thing with my imei?? i called them to the international phone and said it was not possible without the old owner name and contract number
still waiting for the email :/
thats the problem if you nolonger have an att account then they ask for the contract number or name of owner or phone# and they kick you out
i just did 5 of my friend’s iphone 4 and 4s. it went pretty well say they will send me email. one thing is waiting for one hr, what a headache. my friends do not have at&t accounts and their phone bought from ebay or other sources. i able to do it flawlessly, solution…. maybe i tell you
I chatted with AT&T again about my phone, this time the lady was much more helpful, turns out when I had my iphone replaced under warranty by apple, the apple store didnt update AT&T about my switch, they can still file the request seeing how it goes to apple and they can see there was a switch made on the acount. Problem solved, now Im just waiting for the email from apple with the unlock instructions
can anyone help me unlock my phone through chat if i put my IEMI and email here ?
IEMI: 012339005406366
can u please help me as well i need it too as i bought mine from ebay as well
Can someone help me?I can give my email and IMEI.I dont have an AT&T account and my iPhone 4 is bought from one site.Please help me.
Some one can help me too, i buy from ebay last year and can’t register for at&t.
IMEI 01 243000 888758 5
Call through Skype on their toll free number. Skype calling is free for toll numbers.
I am based in India and I just registered my request.
Can you please do mine? I will pay you in paypal if you do
can i please have your login so i can do mine?
or can you do it for me
ill pay you in paypal if you want
get back to me
i will help you,
pls. response to my email address
Expandi will help you,pls. response to my email
Expandi will help you,pls. response to my email
ok, i will help you. response to me through
sure, i can. please respons to my email address
i can do your unlocking. please response to
please response to my emil adress i will hel you
sure, i will. please response to my email address
Today I got this from a case after waiting since 14th!
I Have seen many cases where the iPhone is not an AT&T customer iPhone and they unlocked it! I purchased it off ebay and my account is no longer available I tried calling them with no luck skype internet coverage here sucks big time!! Please any one advice me what to do I have sent them an email again with no luck in response I can’t do online chat because I do not have an AT&T wireless number I live out of the U.S! Advice a n g v i l @ a n g v i l . n e t
Admin please delete the email address if I get notifications when someone replies to my comment
here is the reply i got from AT&T I would appreciate if someone can help me get through to their chat support!IMEI NO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -invalid per does not contain enough digits but NON AT&T customers are not eligible regardless.
Some one can help me please. I buy from ebay and can’t register for at&t.
IMEI 01 233900 623564 0
k o s j o 2 0 0
how about the people live in other country ,then they got a iphone lock by at&t(of course they do not have account to live chat ?)
It helps to add + when calling in internationally. Example: +1-800-335-4685.
after send mail “request iphone 4 unlock”to at&t but !as what i said :(Yang) then i do call to at&t at 9pm(am in Vietnam). Then tell them all,they ask for imei number!
then i wait………after 10` they “give” me a case number ? and ask for email add .i tell them i donot have email(lie)! just gave them my phone number!
And they said :”call you back at 11 “? to tell me can unlock or not (check somethings !)
Now am just waitting !!!
after send mail “request iphone 4 unlock”to at&t but !as what i said :(Yang) then i do call to at&t at 9pm(am in Vietnam). Then tell them all,they ask for imei number!
then i wait………after 10` they “give” me a case number ? and ask for email add .i tell them i donot have email(lie)! just gave them my phone number!
And they said :”call you back at 11 “? to tell me can unlock or not (check somethings !)
Now am just waitting !!!
how to unllok my iphone4 ime012421005512342
I can make your unlock. write to me through
I can make your unlock. write to me through
I can make your unlock. write to me through
i have an iphone 4s. and that phone just came out last year, it would still be in contract, would att still unlock it?
i am also from India how should i have to unlock my iPhone 4 it is from at&t
who can unlock iphone 4?
Hallo, im from czech and bought iPhone fromEbay can you help me with unlocking , my email many thanks
am in india to unlock my iphone 4?
how can u do that?
how did u do that?
Yes i can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S foe most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont Warry, Yes i can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S fre most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont Warry, i can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S foe most of net works locked, please write to me
Yes i can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S foe most of net works locked, please write to me
Not to warry, i can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S foe most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont warry,
I can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S fre most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont warry,
I can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S fre most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont warry,
I can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S fre most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont warry,
I can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S fre most of net works locked, please write to me
Dont warry,
I can unlock any 3GS,4,4G,4S for most of net works locked, please write to me
i have iphone 4 need to unlock help
imei 012539004733237
idont have anya ccount atnt any one can help me
thank you
any one can provide me at&t email icant register cause my ip address are not based in u.s..
Could you help me out with a 3gs?
Could you help me out also?
can i please have your login so i can do mine?or can you do it for meill pay you in paypal if you want get back to me
can i please have your login so i can do mine?or can you do it for meill pay you in paypal if you want get back to me
Anybody can help me to unlock my iPhone4. I can’t create AT&T account because I m a Cambodian people….my imie: 012644000492539…my email:
if can? Thank u very much(@.@)
hola queria saber tengo un iphone de ustedes soy de argertina quisiera saber si por imei ustedes me lo pueden desbloquear
who want to unlock at&T iphone? i can help u.. contact me
115 usd your iPhone will unlock. I know someone can help for you!
Đã gửi từ iPhone của tôi
Ngày Jul 19, 2012, vào lúc 2:50 PM, “Disqus” viết:
Contact me
please write to me. , i will guide you
please write to me. , i will guide you
please write to me. , i will guide you. sure i can unlock your iphone
please write to me. , i will guide you. sure i can unlock your iphone
please write to me. , i will guide you. sure i can unlock your iphone
012654007308331 please help me factory unlco this
04.10.01 bb
Hi, I’m come from thailand. my name is air and I search help to unlock my IPhone 4.
IMEI : 012540008255102
My E-mail is
Please help me, and thank you very much.
I have one iPhone 4g at&t mobile i need factore unlocke help sir 012420007429927 my imei my email id
I need help too. Us folks not from the USA can’t create an account so can someone please create me an AT&T email or do it for me?!
Please contact me :
sorry that’s
Stopped services for a year, can not log in ether, but get success via online help. LOL
I have one iPhone 4g at&t mobile i need factore unlocke help sir 0124230006019234 my imei my email id ismailm
Hi i’m come from USA my name is jef i wanna to unlock my iphone 4s
IMEI : 013059002869809
thank you very much
Hi, I’m come from thailand. my name is air and I search help to unlock my IPhone 4.
My E-mail is
Please help me, and thank you very much.
i need some help i cant create an email account tell me plz
i 100% assure you to arrange your unlock withing 12 hours.
please write me through
i 100% assure you to arrange your unlock withing 12 hours.
please write me through
Hi eranda, can u pls help me unlocking my iphone 4
here is my imei: 012756006620390
Serial Number: 79116z8wa4s
Help me please!! and thank u for advance :)
hi please help unlock my iphone 4
my email is
if i’m using an iphone 4 under contract and i upgrade to the 4s, is my contract renewed or what?
if at any point if i decide to put my sim back into the iphone 4, will it cause any problem??????
can i use the new car or upgraded connection with my older iphone 4 and unlock the iphone 4s for use with other carrier?
Hello, I’m from U.S I need to unlock mi I phone 4s
I MEI :013046005329345
Thanks you.
Everybody, we can help unlock any att iphone! Write us an email to
Hello, I’m from France I need to unlock my Iphone 4
I MEI :012339007567405
Hi Eranda, can u pls help me unlocking my iphone 4
here is my imei: 012416006560605
Help me please!! and thank u for advance :)
i am from israel
what if i dont have online account with at& can i unlock my iphone 4?
hello, i am from india, i need to unlock my iphone 4 whis is out of contract,
please help me i dont have any at&t account
imei no:-01242400624899
Thank you
hello, i am from india, i need to unlock my iphone 4 whis is out of contract,
please help me i dont have any at&t account
imei no:-012424006248999
Thank you
Hello, I’m from India I need to unlock mi I phone 4s
I MEI : 01306200883777
Thank you.
Hello, I’m from Germany I need to unlock mi I phone 4
I MEI : 012339004561989
There is no unlock code. AT&T submit your phone’s IMEI numbers to Apple’s server. Once a request is accepted and being processed, Apple will until your iphone through Itunes. Your job is to:
Fire up Itunes
Do a complete backup of your phone
Do a restore/update
Apple will dectect your phone’s IMEI and compares these numbers with its database. If there is a match, Apple is unlocking your phone. You should receive a congratulation message that your phone is now unlocked.
Hi, i’m from Morocco, can you please help me unlocking my AT&T iPhone 4
here is my imei: 012545007654049
Thank you for advance :)
pls help me to unlock my AT&T Iphone 4.3.3
IMEI: 012753001700202
Hi mate! I don’t have any account & my IMEI Number is: 01 2416006576452
& my E-mail address is: I wil pay u. If u unlock my iPhone 4. Thanks
I have an iPhone 4 32GB (black), and it’s already out of contract so I think it’s eligible to unlock as well.
Could you please help me to unlock my phone so I can use it with other carrier Sims. I would appreciate it.
My IMEI number is: 012647000813786
My email
i have iphone 4s bought from the USA AT$T carreir IME 012744008786104 my emails is can someone help to unlock it i tried everything thanx in advance
IMEI 01 265900 444673 7