Earlier today we told you that UltraSn0w was updated to version 1.2.7 to support unlocking the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. Although we showed you how to unlock your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS already on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware using a hacked together version of UltraSn0w, dubbed UltraSn0w Fixer For 5.1.1, using the official solution is always a better idea as it is more stable and reliable. Thus, in this how to guide we will show you how to unlock your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware using UltraSn0w 1.2.7.
UltraSn0w 1.2.7 Supported iPhone Basebands
- iPhone 4 on baseband 01.59.00
- iPhone 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, and 06.15.00
*In order to see if you have one of the supported basebands on your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS you will need to go into the Settings.app > General > About and look for the Modem Firmware field.
How To Unlock iPhone With UltraSn0w 1.2.7
Step 1: You must already be running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware on your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS, and you must also be Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. If your iPhone is not Jailbroken please click here.
Step 2: After your iPhone is running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware and is Jailbroken you will need to simply launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.
Step 3: Once Cydia is up and running you will need to go into the Sources page. To go into the Sources page tap Manage followed by Sources.
Step 4: Typically, the UltraSn0w repo is included with Cydia. If not, tap the Edit button followed by the Add button and you will be prompted to add a URL source. Type:
Followed by tapping the Add Source button.
Step 5: Cydia will automatically refresh and update sources.
Step 6: After Cydia is done refreshing sources. Tap the Search tab on the bottom tab bar and search for UltraSn0w. Once UltraSn0w appears, tap on it and you should see version 1.2.7. Read through the description and tap the install button to install UltraSn0w 1.2.7 to your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
Note: In case you are not familiar with UltraSn0w, it is a software unlock for your iPhone meaning you can use your iPhone with any carrier by simply inserting the SIM card.
Step 7: When UltraSn0w is installed you must restart your iPhone, plug in your unofficial SIM card and wait for your iPhone to connect to your network.
Congratulations! You should now have an unlocked iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. If you have any further questions or thoughts please leave them in the comments section below.
I need to unlock the baseband 04.12.01 :-/
it does not work on 4.12.1
only available for Mac BOOOOOOO !!!!
Is there a way to change the baseband on a 3gs? I have 5.14.something, i think :(
please update this version to support 04.12.01. =C
You need to search for “update iphone 3gs basedband to 6.15.00” it’s going to be either pwange or redsnow will give you the ability to get this done & then ultrasnow will give you the ability to unlock your iphone. Good luck.
Keep looking for sam to become available again or get a gevey sim. I have used one in the past but I went & did an update & lost that ability but was lucky enough to catch the sam unlock so I’m ok again. Good luck.
how about impressing us with a 04.12.01 BB unlock……………..
what can i do about baseband 04.12.01 :/
i really need to unlock my phone
How long does the phone take to register the sim card’s carrier?
what about 4.12.01?
I am having iPhone 3GS jailbroken and unlocked with iOS 4.3.3 and Baseband 06.15.00
Now i want to upgrade to iOS 5.1.1 without changing the Baseband.
Please help
SAM still available to unlock iPhone 4 bb 04.12.01??? pls
Since there is no unlock for BB 4.12.01, how can we downgrade it back to 01.59.00? then be able to preserve it then upgrade back to the 5.1.1 with the preserve 01.59.00 to be able to follow this step? Help!!
dis is crap… nothing happened…
using iphone 3gs having ios 5.1.1 baseband 6.15…
tried ultrasn0w 1.2.7 nothing happened
does this work for an iphone 3gs made in 2012
use the unltra snow fixer 5.1.1
i need an update as well for 04.12.01 pls
It deosn’t still work for my iphone 3gs. Searching…. for signal still there.
doesnt work on my contract iphone 4
iphone 3gs ios5.1.1 jailbroken untetherd baseband 06.15.00 serching ,serching, serching 5 minute and than no servise. help please?!
I did all as it is wrote
please for 04.12.01 this is important !!!!
here too 3GS with old bootrom baseband 6.15.00 ultrasn0w totally fucked and not working.. please roll back to the previous version so i can get my two phones going again.
4..12.01 please
Reflash your phone with iTunes. Then, using redsnow select 5.1.1 ipsw and click jailbreak. Check install cydia and install ipad baseband. And next use this instruction to unlock with ultrasnow.
iphone 3gs 5.1.1 bb 6.15.00. did everything as per this post. DOES NOT WORK!!
hmm.. what with bb 4.12.01 ?? Folks, nobody works on it???,
for everyone having the problem saying searching… I was too and tried everything i could find and then i just tried making a call. it didnt go through but after it recognized the sim. So just try to make a call.
k so like i have firmware 06.15.00 and my firmware is 5.1.1 but my service still just says searching, any adivice or help?
exact same thing happens to me need help please
Amjad…restore the 3GS with 5.1.1 custom OS built using Sn0wbreeze expert mode. In expert mode do select general option and in that select the check box for hactivation.
First check the manufacturing date of your 3GS. It should not be greater than 2011 and 28th week. If it is greaten than 2011, 28th week, then please do not use ipad baseband 6.15.00. It will damage your 3gs permanantly. You can find this by checking the 3rd, 4th and 5th digits of the serial number.
if the digits are 129 means. 1 stands for 2011 and 29 stands for 28th week.Another example 045, 0 stands for 2010 and 45 stands for 45th week.
….. That was for 1.2.5 buddy
I had the same problems with my 3gs on bb 6.15.00 and this worked to resolve the problem I was having with the unlock
hi can we unlock ios version 5.1.1 and firmware 4.12.01
not working for my iphone 3gs . Modern firmware – 06.15.00 and ios 5.1.1 . my location – india .
bought my iphone from the U.S.A
how about unlocking iphone 3gs baseband 5.16.05?
After jaibreak apparently successful, I tried unlocking iPhone 3gs following your instructions above and it did not work. I am using baseband 06.15.00 running iOS 5.1.1 – My iphone was just fine before restoring contacts using iTunes back up – Looks like it updated/upgraded the software and after that, my phone was locked again… I have looked everywhere online. This is the third time that I try unlocking using ultrasn0w – 1.2.7 and its fixers available online… Can anyone help solving this mistery? Thank you.
E-mail me: email2cal@gmail.com
also try using redsnow, then go to extras then customer ipsw it will create one with no baseband then carry on as usual
iphone 3gs jailbroken on ios 5.1.1 with bb 06.15.00. this is disappointing after finding out the dev team had done a great job with updating redsnow, i try it and this happens. please dev team can you fix this error or at least make it public that it does not work on some devices, THANK YOU very much otherwise BUT please if some one finds out how to fix this searching searching searching… no service problem please let us all know
The same thing for me… iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, BB 06.15.00 and not working the ultrasn0w unlock… searching, searching, and nothing… Please update!!!
Same problem here, please help!
i just cut my t mobile simcard put it in and when i turn it on it says no sim, so does this mean im screwed and dont have a phone now?!
I did all process, and i have the baseband 06.15.00, but the sim card no service
yes!! the same to me :(
this worked for me as well. i tried everything. jailbroke and restored 5 times before i saw your post. finally it worked. thanks
unfortunately, i have an iphone 4 with baseband 04.12.01, there is no any solution to upgrade baseband or downgrade it ?
did you ever sort this im stuck on the same thing, its drving me mad….X
Using Iphone 4 having iOs 5.1.1 having baseband 4.12.01 but after above steps my iphone is showing invalid sim.
Is there something wrong with ultrasn0w 1.2.7 on BB 06.15.00?
Does not work…….
same problem, no services, what should we do?
Iphone 3gs 5.1.1 unlock with redsnow 0.9.10b6 and used 5.1 firmware, untethered with rocky racoon 5.1.1 and already install ultrasnow 1.2.7, it keep searching but no service
exact thing here to
4.12.01 PLEASE!!!
how unlock a iphone 4 baseband 4.12.01 firmware 5.1.1
I am using Iphone 4s, will this work with Iphone 4s or only with Iphone 4?
I have tried to use it, but it does not get installed fully on my iphone 4s (5.1.1) which is already jailbroken. When i install ultrasnOw, it runs a script with two red errors at the bottom. The the phone gets springboarded and it asks me to forcibly remove ultrasnow.
So how do i lock the iphone 4s which has already jailbroken?
( i have already tried using gaveys sim method and that dosnt work as the iphone 4s gets locked again and again)
Same here, need 3gs baseband 5.16.05
same here with invalid SIM!!!!!
Download redsn0w 0.9.14b1 then do jailbreak method, and select instal iPad baseband, after you have install they your BB will be 06.15.00, then do again jailbreak and now you can select downgrade baseband and you will have now the BB 05.13.01 and now in cydi just install ultrasn0w and your all set up
pleasee 4.12.01 !!!
you can place the cut simcard in your previous phone by putting back the parts that you cut out in the simcard tray, that worked for me
Please help!!!!!
I got a 3GS from a repair shop that lost my phone when it was there for repair. They told me it was jailbroken and unlocked only when I got it, it still had someone else’s info in it and when I used my Fido card in it, there was no service. It was still showing in the about section the original. I then nOticed that it was on the BB 06.15.00. I restored the phone with redsnow Pwnd Dfu and restored to factory firmware 5.1.1 with iTunes and jail broke, still no service using ultrasnow 1.2.7. I then got the new redsnow and jailbroken with the iPad baseband, no service. I then downgraded the baseband to 05.13.04, no service. I created a custom ipsw with redsnow to preserve my baseband and entered Dfu restored with my custom ipsw in iTunes, no service. Most recently I restored back to a factory 5.1.1 baseband 5.16 and jailbroken with cydia, ultrasnow and ultrasnow fixer, no fn service.
Is this phone bricked or is it possible I have missed something in the last 2 weeks
Pls help
I phone 3GS old bootrom (920)
Currently on 5.1.1 bb 05.16
I need to unlock my iPhone 4, baseband 04.12.01 with ios 5.1.1 too
When will they update new version for baseband 04.12.01?
Does it nearly to release new version for baseband 04.12.01?
DEV TEAM make a version for 04.12.01 LIKE NOW haha
any word on 4.12.1
Thanks a lot friend, as the other fellows I was almost desperate. 7 times doing the same until I see you post.
Meanwhile I´m still waiting for the downgrade 06.15 to 05.13.04 BB. `cause I still have problems with GPS.
Alfredo – Quito.Ecuador
Please make a version for 04.12.01 PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I HAVE NO PHONE TO USE
try opening the iphone and check next to the antenna connection on the right bottom corner the connector is a flex cable remove the flex cable when you are finished removing the cable there should be about 3 diodes next to the antenna connection on the mother board if one is missing just replace it or connect the 2 pins there where it is missing with a small piece of soldering and that will solve the problem other wise if that is not the problem check the phone and see if either the wifi bluetooth or imei number is missing meaning the baseband has been damaged and needs replacing let me know if this helps
Please Unlock iphone4 /5.1.1/ 04.12.01 ur cooperation is very much appreciated.
still no service after doing the installation can you help out
Need unlock 04.12.01!! Developers please!!!
we r many people using 04.12.1 bb
I need to unlock my iPhone 4, baseband 04.12.01 with ios 5.1.1 too
I have my baseband preserved on 01.59.00 and I am currently on iOS 4.0.1.
Previously I was unable to update and then unlock. With this new realease of UltraSn0w, will I be able to finally upgrade?
Thanks DEV Team for all that you do!
I figured it out using red snow, tiny umbrella, and stitching shsh blobs
Same for me but with new bootrom the one after week 34 20011, please….
Would I be able to hook this up to Virgin Mobile in the US? They don’t use sims, would that be a problem?
Just some info if you have already completed your contract with att and have no outstanding bills with them they will unlock your phone for you factory for no charge.
you are lovely, worked great, thankkkkk youuuuuuuuu very much.
flash ur baseban again
Yet another request for baseband 4.12.01
Leaving the U.S. to go to Europe next month and would love to have an easy unlock! Thanks for all of your efforts guys!
not working.., done so may times step by step but still no seevice..,
Same here! Only wish this could work with 04.12.01.
I got so excited when I saw this post!
Same hereeeeeeeeeeeee
Will this work with the Iphone 4S ?
SAME HERE!! I JUST SENT AN EMAIL TO THE DEVS! WTF! Why can’t they just have the previous version of the ultrasn0w alongside the damned 1.2.7!?
Same Problem, no updates, threads, tweets or anything WTF!!!!
its not working for me
iphone 35s bb 06.15.00
ios 5.1.1
jailbreaked using snowbreze
i am on iso 5.1.1 using baseband 5.13.04.
Tried while using 6.15 but still came out with no service.
downgraded it then and still. no service. if anyone knows a solution, please tell me.
Forget 4.12.01
We have 15 bricked iPhones right now because of this!!!
why i get time out error when i try any repo?
No service after downgrading from 6.15.00 to 05.13.04 and installing Ultrasn0w on FW 5.1.1
Any help?
iphone 3gs ios5.1.1 jailbroken untetherd baseband 06.15.05 serching
,serching, serching 5 minute and than no servise. i get ultra sn0w fixer 5.1.1 and the problem still there
help please?!
sorry the baseband is 05.16.05
need help
iphone 4 5.1.1 baseband 4.12.01 no service showing after complete prosses
same problem with me… Almost 2 weeks without service… please help!!!
We need that 4.12.01!!
still we cannot connect??????
Any news on 04.12.01 unlocking soution?
Do not do that if you do it you are going to brick the iphone beacuse of the new chip after week 34 2011……
same for me
Yeah anything new about it ?
thank for your help. But I cannot still use my new sim card. I bought my iphone 3GS (version 5.1.1 and jailbreaked) in france with an operator. Now I m in china and i would like to use it with a chinese card sim… but impossible… it doesnt want.
Do u have any other tips please?
Iphone 4 . 5.1.1 .
IF you guys need $ Let us know we will donate to have this developed sooner.
I have a 3gs 5.1.1 baseband 6.15.00 and have installed ultrasn0w 1.2.7 and ultrasn0w fixer 5.1.1 but my sim is still not working any help?
We are waitting for 4.12.01 unlock, please…
Any news on a unlock for 04.12.01.
I had the same problem.
With RedSn0w, install again baseband 6.15.00 (This is the trick, install again ipad baseband 6.15.00). Then install Ultrasn0w fixer for 5.1 and finally Ultrasn0w.
It works like a charm. I have an iPhone 3GS 5.1.1 with ipad baseband 6.15.00 and works perfect, with ultrasn0w 1.2.7.
Sorry my english.
After installing all my mobile can not find the net work…
I have installes cydia and repo…..But stille my mobile can not find out the
net work….
Tkank for ur kind advice….inorder to solve this problem.
is that possible to unlock iphone 4 5.1.1 baseband 4.12.01 France out … “….FB” model ?
BB 04.12.01 Firmware 5.1.1 iPhone4 unlock!!!!!!
Thanks in advance……
04.12.01 please!!!
Any idea how to unlock BB 04.12.01 Firmware 5.1.1 iphone 4 unlock
hello, I used (unlockatt dot kom) to unlock my iphone at&t 4s. they unlock it for me for the cheapest price right away. i just gave them the IMEI number and they unlocked for me right away.
baseband 04.12.01 i cant unlock…please help me!!!
Quote:BB 04.12.01 Firmware 5.1.1 iPhone4 unlock!!!!!!Please!!!!!!Thanks in advance……
if people dont bother to donate to the developers, why should they bother
I totally agree, they all want it for free and yesterday!!! if they donate they might pull there finger out and donate
I had the same problem , it used to say Searching ,searching but now it got resolved
I have Iphone 3GS, 6.15.00 BaseBand. as per the 1st step I have used original itunes 5.1.1 ipsw to restore but some sites have suggested creating a custom ipsw using redsnow. I have not done that the first time but my BaseBand was still 06.15.00 after the restore and jailbreak.
However downgrading my baseband from 06.15.00 using redsnow Ipad baseband option.
my baseband is now 05.13.04
I have used just the UltraSnow 1.2.7 and thats it. Ultrasn0w fixer for 5.1 is not needed.
And soon after it recognized my service.
Thank you Jaden, the article is really good.
I had the same problem, try downgrading your baseband using redsnow , it worked for me. I used to have the same 06.15.00 and I have downgraded it using redsnow . it worked like a charm
my iphone4 5.1.1 04.12.1 no carier & no network help to unlockplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
bt in my iphone 3gs in no any network only service name shown and no deld call again and again call faild shown after beep sounds.
I’ll join the begging crew – 04.12.01 BB – Please (with a cherry on top)
I have iphone 4 and my base band is 3.0.04 and i was wondering if i can unlOck it and ti is ios 5.1.1. Jailbroken
if you face searching ,
searching ,
searching , problem ,
just open redsnow and reinstall 06.15.00 baseband it’s working with me
iphone 3gs 32gb jailed 06.15.00
I NEED HELP?????? if iphone 3gs released the software redsnow 9.14b2 for downgrading ipad baseband, so sure we have a chance to unlock our iphone 4… So we call your attention especially for the hackers made a redsnow 9.14b2 to make the same programs for iphone 4 baseband 4.12.01 / 4.11.08 dowgrading to 1.59.00….. thanks…. if you have goodnews plz mail me andoks74@gmail.com
when installing ultrasnow it says could not activate mobile data network
I have followed your directions and it all seems to have worked except that it won’t find a signal.
when I go into Setting, General and About it now says Vodafone which is who I want it work with.
Although Settings, Carrier- It simply wont find any networks. We have full 3G signal at home on any other phone,
Any advice would be appreciated
Hi, just jailbroke my iphone 4 and went through the steps above to unlock, however, it does no seem to have worked, still getting no service.. Any Ideas?
not worked on
04.12.01 Firmware 5.1.1 iPhone4
i use this steps.. but now my push notify isn’t show.. how to fix this?
Omg, i downloaded ultrasn0w, everything was fine. But my phone just says no service instead of registering the new network. What do I do?
im getting an invalid sim message… please help!!!
Really a big thanks to the people who are helping teh community!
iPhone 4, first baseband, iOS 5.1.1, jailbroken and unlocked =D
can anyone cal tell me how to factory unlock iphone 3gs plz…….
try to reflash the baseband 06.15.00 again using redsn0w.
try to reflash the baseband 06.15.00 again using redsn0w.
Hey I was having the same problem and when I re installed the 6.15 I got error message at the end and my phone went back to where it had to restore through iTunes what should I do
I cant unlock my Iphone 3 gs… it stay saying no service, any idea ?
i have just bought an iphone 4, it says no service even when i put a new sim in, can i do anything to fix it
do u find any simlock for BB4.12.01? Thanks
ive done everything u said and my iphone 4s is saying the sim car is not compatible in my phone. what do i do now?
try to downgrade your baseband to 05.13.04 in order to enable unlock with ultrasnow 1.2.7
mine is works 100% iphone 3gs ios 5.1.1 BB 05.14.03 unlock with ultrasnow 1.2.7
contact me here!
games.manahan@yahoo.com for more info and guide!
im from philippines
Mine works 100% iPhone 3gs iOS 5.1.1 BB 05.14.03 unlock with ultrasnow 1.2.7
contact me here! for more info and guide!
twitter account: iManahan10
tumbler account: manahan10
im from philippines…
If you want me to troubleshoot your problem. Just let me know the whole details in order for me to trouble shoot! i will give you the best experienced ive done in my iPhone!
my twitter account: iManahan10 or @iManahan10
any ideas on how to UNLOCK iphone 4S?
I downgraded my baseband and re-did the steps above and still my phone says no service. Can someone please help me???
what about 05.16.05?
I think they got PAID for NOT to release unlock Iphone BB 04.12.01.. So we have to wait untill their agreed date.
My Spotlight search is not working – I’ve tried to disable search mail and other Spotlight fixes etc but it still will not search anything. How can I find UltraSn0w without spotlight?
any update on base band 04.12.01
There are some news about BB 04.12.01, FW 5.1.1 on iPhone4 ??
There are some news about iPhone4 with BB 04.12.01 and 5.1.1 ?
Do you support unlocking iphone 4S ?
anyone on any other basebands need to download redsn0w and install the ipad baseband which is 6.15.0 then you can do it.
iphone 3gs , ios 5.1.1 , base 6.15 . Stil no service :/
Same here, tried BB 6.15 then 5.13.04
WORKED FOR ME! Thanks!!!
Anyone out there have a solution for how to unlock iPhone 4 firmware 04.12.01 and version 5.1.1 and shsh iOS 5.1.1 ultra snow 1.2.7 ?????? Plssss help!! Thank u
i have a jailbroken iphone 3gs ios 5.1.1 baseband 06.15.00 but ultrasn0w is not working… plz help .. my email : arbazkhan334@gmail.com
I followed all the instructions above and still cannot receive signal on Vodafone (previously locked to 02). I have a 3gs with the new bootrom. Please help!
hey thank u for ur help
but i have installed ultrasnow but my phone just keep searching n couldnt get the network
i am from india
does it make any difference
pls help
thanks again
god bless
is there an ultrasn0w for the 4s on ios 5.1.1?
we all wait for the unlock of 4.12.01 plzzzzzzzzzz help us we cant wait more pllllzzzz we need help urgently
Thanks for help ! thanks alot!
5.16.05 anyone?
After installing ultrasn0w 1.2.7 also showing invalid sim
What to do next
iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1 modem firmware 4.12.
After installing ultrasn0w 1.2.7 also showing invalid sim
What to do next
After installing ultrasn0w 1.2.7 also showing invalid sim
How it work for you
you must downgrade you iphone from 5.1.1 to 4.1 it will work
wont let me connect my carrier sim ? why ?
I have a question. After unlocked, can I use it any where around the world? Or just only in the USA?
what baseband?
damn i hope all these guys and or girls begging for 4.12.01 are donating i have a 4.12.01 and no phone at the moment too no big deal stop crying and motivate them with donations
COME ONE GUYS! iphone four 4 baseband 04.12.01 make unlock for us! 5.1.1 ipsw no signal!
bonjour, on compte sur vous pour 04.12.01 merci mille fois
i m using gevey sim on iphone4 an d upadte to ios 5.1.1 and jailbreak it and installed cydia,after tat its shows “NO SERVICE”…wat i ll do now???plz help me guys….!!!
bb 06.15.00 firmware 5.1.1 iphone 3gs is locked,, pls help me i was done as you say.. when i insert other sim “No service”… pls sir help me..
did u solved the problem? i have same problem!
not solved remain same
hey i have an iPhone 4, version 5.1.1(9B208), and modem firmware 4.12.01.., but after installed ultrasnow my phone still show No Service.
TO ALL Make sure you flash your BB to 6.15.00 if you have higher BB that 5.13.04 otherwise you all will encounter problems and errors.
i followed the 7 steps but still my iphone gaves me No Service message What to do next please
bb 2.0.12 wont let me install ultasn0w :( please help
BB 04.12.01 Firmware 5.1.1 iPhone4 unlock
Who knows how to unlock it without the original SIM?
i had prob with iphone 3gs after jb and unlock and upgrading to ios
5.1.1 BB 6.15.00…says No signal/Searching….i launched
redsnow->Extras->select ipsw->back to jailbreak->select
downgrade from ipad baseband->DFU mode—–> Voila! Its a
wonder!!! Didnt even have to reinstall ultrasnow after that…Thanx to
all those guys who shared their experiences n helped me succeed!
does it gone work iff i have got the Version 5.1.1[9B206]
nothing happen …. iphone 3g 5.1.1.. is their any solution?
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Million times thank you!:)
thank you very much.. :-)
i owe an iphone 4 and followed ur instructions, however when i put different sim card it does not work – what have i done wrong
04.11.08 please :((
So does this work on the iPhone 4s??
i’ve done all of the above to unlock my phone but it still says no networks available any sugestions?
got BB 04.12.01
Firmwware 5.1.1
for anybody working this for someone?
Guyzz m using iphone till 2009 bt still i dont knoe wt is meant by thus 04.12.01 thiss..!! would someone tell wt is meant by thissss…??
installed ultrasnow 1.2.7 on phone 4 put new sim card and didn´t work
What Am I doing wrong can any body help
I do unlocking but still no sim card detect on my iphone, can somebody give my help please,,
why my iphone3gs no service after unlock ? and i follow your step to setup it . pls kindly advise , thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I followed the steps but it did not unlock the phone. What did I do wrong?
i just pray this works for me
followed the steps…after restart…it shows searching…which before it didn’t but at end shows no service….in carrier also if i try switching off the automatic then it shows “Unable to Load Network list”…what can i do ?
also it seems that…my wifi is connected…but does not open any pages or services…any more…what can i do now ???
want to unlock my iphone baseband 05.16.05 firmware 5.1.1 please help me email me jay_ocampo@yahoo.com thank you
worked like a charm dude easy as the chicks i bang…
Just followed through those instructions. and i’m still getting no service. why is this please?
Quick question. What do you mean by “Plug in your unofficial sim card” ?
I thought that you cant take out the backing of an iPhone so how would the sim card be replaced?
iv got an iphone 3gs ios 5.1.1
used redsn0w to jailbreak and upgraded baseband to 6.15.00
then i used ultrasn0w to unlock…but nothing happened…
so i downgraded the BB to 5.13.04 nd reinstalled the untrasn0w…
bt its still doing the same thing….searching……..bt after a while says no service……
It doesn’t work if the iPhone 3Gs is was fabricated after the 36th week of 2011.
i had same problem. try to ramove mobile substrate in cydia (ultrasnow will removes spontaneous, while you are removing mobile substrate), then install mobile substrate and ultrasnow again. it’s work with me
thanx i’ll try that.. :)
ultrasn0w not supported BB 06.15.00 iOS 5.1.1 please help !!!
downgrade your baseband
My phone can not read the t mobile sim card after unlocked. Please help. I did follow all the instructions as above. Thanks a lot
Has any software come for bb 4.12.01 yet??? :(
I have an I phone 3gs Whit Base band 06.15.00 and i jail break to ios also install 1.2.7 but it show No Service i have already Done as u mention could you please Help Me?
Please Help Me?
I have an I phone 3gs Whit Base band 06.15.00 and i jail break to ios 5.1.1
also install 1.2.7 but it show No Service i have already Done as u mention could you please Help Me?
Did anyone tried to downgrade bb from 04.12.01 to 01.59.00 does it work with this method? (iphone4 / 5.1.1)
Thank you.
i did unlock but dont have sims for new carr. how do i know its unlocked
i need an update too for 04.12.02 please help
no thing on this call center of unlock-er emei
hv the same prob…………..feel lyk throwing my iphone………….arrggghhhhhhh
i have iphone 3gs on 5.1.1 basband 5.16.05 and i have cydia what can i do to unlock it ?
This did not work for my Iphone 4 with ios 5.1.1
How can you download redsn0w to downgrade???
How do you download the redsn0w onto phone?
pls help. previously. im running 4.3.5, jailbreak when i update to 5.1.1 using snowbreeze and itunes cydia automatically installed after updating. the problem is sometimes some of my apps are not working and i need to reboot several times to back to normal. is there a problem with my update?? and also i want to know if i need to unlock my iphone. im using baseband 02:10:04. do ihave to install ultrasnow? thank dev team…
additional information sir. im using iphone4 gsm and im using a gevey sim. but i still recieve a no simcard installed. tnx dev team.. pls help…
is this working on BB 4.10 running ios 5.1.1??
@Corruptio there is no sotlution right now only factory unlock en the GeveySim does not support this version of BaseBand
i did but network not connecting
my 3gs is not unlocking through ultrasn0w…
what to do :(
how do i unlock my ihpone 4 I.O.S 5.1.1????
well, folks, google will give you the most reliable way to unlock
well u install cydia via redsn0w :)
plese upload for bb12.0 frimwear 4.12.01 iso version 5.1.1 for my iphone 4g
wow its nice bro..if you update it in a latest version ios it is posible to return again in lock?