GSM Galaxy Nexus is a series of smartphones by Samsung. The series has been admired by a majority of the users because of its design that ensures you astounding visual quality, amazing sounds effects and a great looking interface. However, if you want to update your GSM Galaxy to Android 4.0.4, you might find some difficulties in doing so. This is because, the automatic update is not necessarily available to everyone. Thus, in this how to guide you will learn how to manually upgrade your GSM Galaxy Nexus to Android 4.0.4.
The installation is simple, however it requires you to have certain proper and necessary ADB drivers and tools installed on your PC. You must be sure to have GSM Galaxy with code name of the product as YAKJU, before utilizing this procedure. You must also be running the stock Android 4.0.2 firmware, have the Android SDK installed, fast boot (Windows or Mac) and knowledge to unlock boot loader. Then download the firmware for updating from Android 4.0.2 to 4.04 and the newest clockWorkmod recovery image, both from Google. These are the basic perquisites to be considered.
The actual upgrading process begins from here. Firstly, copy down the above OTA package on your GSM Galaxy Nexus. Then the clockWorkMod file must be dropped into the same folder which you have already fastbooted in SDK folder. You can rename it for your ease, let’s say cdt.img. Then you need to reboot your Galaxy with holding volume up and volume down, following pressing the power button. Attach your smartphone to your PC via USB, and open command terminal and put the above fastbooted file inside it. Then a command line must be typed as follows:
fastboot-windows.exe boot cdt.img
Lastly, use ClockWorkMod revitalization menu for having flashed that zipped file from SD card and select OTA zip file which you downloaded earlier. Congratulations! You have just updated your GSM Galaxy Nexus To Android 4.0.4. Do you have any further questions or thoughts? Please leave them in the comments section.
[Via AndroidCentral]
Does this delicate procedure erases all data on the phone?
Last night I did an ota update to 4.0.4 for my gsm galaxy nexus that I found in a forum. It forces the phone to do the upgrade and worked perfectly.
Go to settings, apps, click on All. Scroll down to Google Framework Services and click on it. Press Force Stop, and then Clear Data. Now settings, phone, check upgrade. May need to do it twice. Others reboot the phone to make it upgrade.
No need to unlock bootloder and therefor data remains intact.
thanks it helped
Thanks. That did the trick.
For everyone I cleared the cache and did a reboot and while staring up it asked for firmware upgrade ;)
OMG this worked! I was checking every single day but nothing. For me it did not work after the first reset, so I rebooted the phone, reset again, rebooted again and then manually check for updates. So try several times, it will eventually work!
How come it doesn’t work on my phone. Mine is galaxy nexus gsm version i9025, running ics 4.0.3
Oh shit…it works…omg thank you haha
Does that really work?!?!?!?
Does it work for any build or just yakju
It did not work for my Galaxy Nexus 4.0.2 non-yakju to clear the cache
I have tried this 7-8 times incl reboot and no luck… any other tricks ? it just shows the wrong date and then “up to date” with old 4.0.1… I sure would like to get away from 4.0.1… this phone has the bad “rebooting issue”
oh shoot, I have white galaxy nexus and I wasn’t able to get 4.0.4 OTA update and was stuck with 4.0.2, but this worked perfectly. Nice man! Thanks.