Over the last 24 hours or so the new iPad (iPad 3) has been Jailbroken 4 times! This is an extraordinary accomplishment for the Jailbreaking community and it means the new iPad Jailbreak should be released sooner than we all expected. What will surprise most people however, is that the new 1080p Apple TV will be much harder to Jailbreak than the new iPad, as it is more secure.
The news comes from hacker MuscleNerd who tweeted that the AppleTV3,1 will likely be the most secure iOS device ever developed by Apple. A lot of people jump to conclusions when they read this and think Apple has suddenly stepped up their game to try and crush the chances of Jailbreaking the Apple TV. The reality of the situation however, is that because the new Apple TV is not vulnerable to GeoHot’s LimeRa1n bootrom exploit and only a fraction of the software infrastructure present on other iOS devices is on the Apple TV, it means the attack surface is much smaller.
This is not to say the new 1080p Apple TV will never be Jailbroken, but it is going to take a lot of research and development before anything will ever be released. As MuscleNerd mentions, it is pretty ironic that a $99 Apple iOS device is more secure than an iOS device that starts at $499. But it makes sense because when you think about it the Apple TV has almost none of the software features of the others.
Are you disappointed by this information? Share your responses in the comments section below…
This really blows….
This really blows….
It still won’t take long.
I Got ATV only so i Can use plex. But googletv Can i install it just from the store no jailbreak needed
Absolutely… me too. I have a new ATV sat on my desk beside me now. Won’t even be plugged in until it can be jailbroken and Plex installed.
Looks like I have a long wait. :-(
Bummer. I can’t live without Plex so it looks like my long anticipated bump up to 1080p will have to wait a while … maybe a long while … longer.
I just bought one thinking it would only be a week or so before someone figured out a way. How long do you think this will take? I am new to the game……
i tried to jailbreak an old apple tv but it updates to thew new sofwatre and doesnt allow me to do so, is their a way i can jailbreak it without doing an update?
Screw Apple get a Roku. The 1080p version is only $70 and you can install Plex through the standard interface.
Roku is terrible. Beware their 90 day warranty. Who does that? 3 months. Mine broke 5 months after I bought it. Total bullshit.
Damm! I sold one of mine 2nd gen. ATV to get the new one. I hope hacker develop a JB soon.
Although his tweet did say “more secure,” I believe his follow up more clearly indicates this is actually the “unfortunate side effect of ATV having almost none of the software features of the [iPad/iPhone/iPod].” It’s only more secure in the same sense that every software update that comes out removes the exploit used to achieve jailbreak previously (and has rendered GeoHot’s exploit relatively useless), and them having fewer points to exploit because of the increased limitted software.
That said, you can hear murmerings of the new exploit being “halfway,” whatever that is supposed to mean.
Shit I wrong buy the ATV 3, no wonder when I jailbreak with season pass. got an error.
Depend on your money supporting lol !!!
I just want .mkv to work dammit! why can´t apple just support that file and I would be happy
The jailbreak will be done by the end of the month, early next month. It is just in trial and error stage.