The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here! An iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak for the new iPad (iPad 3), iPad 2, iPhone 4S (A5/A5X) and all previous generation iOS devices has been released in the form of AprilRa1n. The AprilRa1n jailbreak tool was developed by a new hacker to the Jailbreaking community, which told iJailbreak that he wishes to go unnamed at this time, and is the first jailbreaking tool that adds support for the new iPad (iPad 3).
Like other 1-click Jailbreaking solutions, such as GreenPois0n, AprilRa1n will allow you to easily Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad running the iOS 5.1 firmware Untethered on your Windows or Mac OS X computer. The supported iOS devices for the new AprilRa1n Jailbreak tool can be found below…
- The new iPad (iPad 3), iPad 2G and iPad 1G
- iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G
- iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G And iPod Touch 2G/1G
So what are you waiting for? Download AprilRa1n from one of the direct download links below and Jailbreak your A4, A5 or A5X iOS device running the iOS 5.1 firmware untethered now!
Download AprilRa1n v1.0 (Windows/Mac OS X)
***NOTE: If you have not noticed yet this is an April Fools day joke, DO NOT actually update your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to the iOS 5.1 firmware if you rely on a jailbreak and unlock.
ahahha nice one
is this for real?!
well ….. you got me dude :D :D good one
april fools?
April fool
is it for real?? please confirm it.
thanks so much for all your hard work, but seriously, im not download SHIT on april fo0ls day… love in you!
yeap! happy april fools everyone!
good joke,and now goys give my realy good news
Nice one
Ahaha…nice joke guys! I hope nobody updated to 5.1 thinking it was the actual jailbreak! XD
(Cool logo though)
wow. how original.
calling it aprilrain vesrion 1 … funny stuff
hahahhahaha crazy aprilfool day…
nice one guys
LMAO …perfect….good one guys
I almost had a heart attack,, wtf man don’t play with my emotions like that, it’s the only thing im looking forward in life :(. Good one though time to go to my iPad and keep pressing search for ipad3 jailbreak on google…………………..……………
it was only ever going to be an april fool , cant believe ANYone thought it wasnt
Its geohots picture from limerain . :D
Come ón its fake ofc there is no iPad 3 or 4s ón the picture it is geohots. First is was thinking wtf is hé back like with limerain hé released without anyone knowing it
Bad boys, people are suffering here :) Nice one, keep up the good work and bring us good news soon as possible
it is fake i can’t download it! :(
fuk i got so pissed
good joke I was excited
The Iphone 3 is only in 4.2.1, no 5.1, this is a april fool scam, think before you download.
It works on my 3gs!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Screw you guys, I am going home!!!)))))lol
Hahahahaha,,,,, april joke ;-)
c’mon guys it’s April fools day, looks like some of you don’t have a life that you can’t find the humor in this.
You got me!
-_- i just upgrade to ios 5.1 now for NOTHING
why did u remove my comment u ashamed ?
I really miss my jailbreak
thanks for breaking my heart
you guys all resemble shitty fathers
the type that gets their children hopes up for
I knew it was an april fools joke I could tell by the goddamn name AprilRa1n!
Great, I just upgraded my phone for nothing. I fail to see the humor in this.
Teste di cazzo!
Well done, but you probably just got a bunch of people to upgrade their devices ad lose their jailbreak. Funny.
I’m loving how well my jailbreak is. Thanks AprilRa1n you are awesome.
to all who updated but had a jailbroken device download tinyumberella and get your shsh blobs from it then just downgrade
Thanks..just updated to 5.1 and successfully unthethered jailbreak my iphone..
Thanks a bunch..! :-)
It is impossible to downgraded to a previous 5.x.x. You must have blobs already saved for a 4.x.x, to downgrade.
lol if this tricked you into upgrading your just a moron AprilRa1n…. April fools fools
April’s fools guys come on, a jailbreak and no ones talking about it in the community lmao whoever thought it was real is an idiot lol
Its fake… april fools
how do you upgrade before you read or download the software! dah!
Google Chrome says to me that it is the april fools day :). if u know what i mean…
I almost upgrade my iDevices lol
-.- srsly guys… I was so close from upgrading to iOS 5.1 and losing my jailbreak…
The fact that it’s called AprilRa1n and was released on April Fools Day didn’t make you think twice? Seriously.
To those who upgraded, sorry for your loss, but you should know better. Unless you see an announcemtne from dev-team, keep your pants on.
Sazan olmayın beyler !!!
jajajajjajajajajajajajaja sorry :/
This prank is meaner than the fake winning lottery ticket.
Then again, the buttmad of those who actually updated without taking two seconds to read the article is hilarious.
No :P AprilRa1n = April Fools
This is just so wrong. So messed up.
Would have been better if it was Greenpoison!
Tell me this isn’t a joke but something done by Apple as to direct us JBer’s to another site,if so Cydia you seem to have lost your creditableity.
Not Funny – I just called every walmart, Target, and Apple Store in Colorado looking for a 32g Wifi………and almost ordered one online!!!!!
Thank God I checked modmyi and Redmondpie before ordering one – NOT FUNNY!
Wtf that’s not funny (:
nice joke :)
Nice! 1/100th of my brain got its hopes up. The rest knew this had to be an April Fools joke. And, you can be sure i would have checked many other sites and tweets and STILL wouldnt have risked my precious jb (if I had one, which I dont yet, dammit!) until April 2nd, just in case. Ive been Rick Rolld and pranked on ijb today! A good April Fools Day all around! :o)
It is april fools day you morons!
For all those who updated, I hope you learned to read the comments first…
That was funny.
The fact that ppl actually upgraded and everything before clicking the link is icing on the cake lol
Those who fell for this YOU ARE DUMB RETARDS. hahaha
that sucks lol im already on 5.1 cause my phone fed up and had to restor and update but damn that sucks lol they got alot of people with this i was also stoked to hear a jailbreak dev team where you at? and to ionic if you got the jailbreak share it already!!!!!
Yeah works in my iPad 3 and my iPhone 4s.
Damn it I almost thought it was real I already upgraded on my iPad 2 to check out the new features and noticed I can’t downgrade. I wrote this poem to my iPad that got thrown out the window because my computer was too heavy.
My iPad the so great
Fooled by a computer full of hate
I miss you so dear
That’s why I hold your pieces so near
I wish I hadn’t thrown you out that window
Because now she’s a widow
This is too funny… especially if you wet your pants got too excited and now can’t downgrade!! SUCKERS!!
I didn’t upgrade – The new iPad 3 is already 5.1
I don’t think this is funny at all, people have been waiting and some have upgraded.
If you get your kicks out someone else demise, your sick. Too many morons in this world who haven’t grown up.
like your mom when shes ridin it like a cowboy fukin sap
Get a sense of humor. It’s once a year. If those people can’t realize that it’s April 1st, and get tricked, it’s their fault. Not sick, the rest of us just have brains :)
Holy crap that’s hilarious! You seriously would only buy an iPad with jailbreak? That’s kind of sad you rely on the jailbreak community that much :P
Somehow i think that the site admin should delete this post.
Ok yes its funny..Haha.
Ok, now back to basics….Delete this page before it gets outta hand.!!
More 4 you, You cant blame anyone but urself….
That’ll tach you to do your homework b4 you get your feet wet.
Thankfully , i dont think it wont be long b4 the 5.1 gets released.
If you took a sec to 1) read a few comments 2) search google…
You would of seen it was a hoax.
HAHA…. @aprilfools
That is so true..
people are quick to blame, but don’t take responsibility for there own actions.
Like this post if you agree.
if u want real comedy then you should stick a note on a person’s back saying “my mom is bigger than yours”
Never believe anything that comes out on April 1st. Ever.
As if you knew better you twat….until you read all the way to the bottom.
Full of shit
In my opinion, if you are dumb enough to fall for this and update, I don’t think you should be jailbreaking in the first place…
bastards i just threw my ipod across the fukin room
IDIOTS! Hahahaha. I was a little excited at time read before you update. His is pretty jacked up, whoever created this article.
Everyone should calm down. If you updated, then lesson learned for you, read the whole article next time.
Personally, was funny only after the shock of reading this was a hoax wore off.
ouch =/
That new April Ra1n is so fast and it works so smooth! I’m just so lucky to have you guys.
heheheheeheeee what a joke i must admit
Thanks it Worked Great!
You suck.
If it took anyone that long to realize that APRILr4in was a joke then they’re dumber than a box of rocks. FFS, anyone who upgraded to 5.1 dbecause of this article should pull a Kurt Cobain. You don’t deserve to be alive.
wow, nice one guys thanks to 10inc
thx you just got everybody thats wants their ios 5.1 angry at you congrats
Ist das ein Fake
Why would you waste your time writing this and taking pictures just for a joke
U just caused people to update their iOS device for no reason
Honestly, you have no life go find something better to do
you are a massive douche do you have any idea how excited I got when I saw this
Agreed… april 1st n all but still… dick move…
Time to decide whether to get tethered 5.1 redsn0w or wait for the real untethered…. (upgraded to 5.1)
Good to know you have brains jordanclark, without brains you’d be dead or on life-support. But let me tell you one thing, you don’t know everything, so someday you will loose a limb, or lose your home, or get burned on an investment – don’t worry your time will come when others will say the same thing about you. ‘Jordanclark1993 didn’t have brains’. I know for a fact your brain isn’t perfect and some cell will bite you in the a.s.s. it always does to the ones that overestimate themselves.
April Fool wasn’t intended to cause harm, and even if it did, being mean at some else’s mistake (if it does cause harm) shows your character undeniably. Laughing at others mistakes is human nature, most all people do, that’s a fact of life, but being mean comes from your heart, not brains.
*for *can’t *yourself *teach *before *don’t *will *before *second *have. Maybe YOU should do your homework. F. See me after class.
Good joke! but sucks for people who really wanted it AND did not read the note… Sucks for them… And ME :)
hahah! if you actually believed this then you are stupid enough to click it, and if it was ‘illegit’ and ‘bricked’ your ipad (none I have jailbroke have bricked yet) then you are stupid, patience guys….the new jailbreak will be here within 24 hours…..but I didnt tell you that. Thanks, SilMugerA
Hahah, what fucking retards actually updated.
Haha very funny !
shit is fucked right now, 5 days later and yet SOMEHOW i fell for it…
you sick f***
now im annoyed
This sh!t is banana’s .. B . A . N . A . N . A . S .. ;)
In the words of some of our great governing body’s and the empowered youthful public society.. F@#K Yo*U corporate fraud. Invest your time and money elsewhere. ((Jail Brake is over..)) Bhahaha.
PS. Got like a pile of iPhone 4’s that I guess will just be overpriced iPods . And I actually care .. Hahaha
Im retarded ?
i agree with Bryce
dev team created greenpois0n fuck ball
I didnt click the link but thats just harsh dude. i dont know who raised you but they did a half @$$ job of it. You disgust me.
This is THE single cruelest April Fools joke I have ever seen.
awesome now all of us on 5.0.1 will have less crowded servers
very good i like it
If only. Im getting an ipad 3 tomorrow and it will probably be on 5.1 im guessing im gutted theres no jailbreak.. after living on android the last 2 year and finally coming back to apple its going to be super hard to get used to not having those functionalities
Oh gee.
Jailbreak April fools = failed parenting…
seen this and updated right away then scrolled down to see it was a joke, smfh whoever made this post is a jackass
i knew this was bull as soon as i saw the date…
your a cunt
Mate, its sad the only thing in life you have to look forward to is a jb for your ipad.
where is ipad 5.1 jailbreak i want it now
This fooled me in May :/
Why I can’t download the AprilRa1n ??
lol pissed me off bad
You fucking idiot, do your homework before posting shit comments this. Fucking hell, you are no better than some of the people who ‘accidently’ upgraded to get attention. Do the fucking world a favor and just gtfo. Posting twice with different names? Grow up bro.
Lol, just because they fooled 3/4 of the jb community, their parents failed them? Who thafuck are you? You learn to make your own decisions without asking mommy or daddy when you mature. You are obviously young or you wouldn’t have, 1) posted this comment. 2) obfuscated the word ass. 3) obviously clicked the link.
People do fucked up things on April fools. However, the Trolls of the Internet deserved something special.
Holy fucking shit, when did this turn from a jailbreak to losing your home? Grow the fuck up, it was a joke, as you said, you were already 5.1 so no fucking harm done. Gtfo his dick and quit hiding behind a screen. If you honestly dislike it THIS much than get off the Internet. The trolls will burn you much, much harder.
Ikr? It’s got April 1 in the name :D
Lol, that’s a dirty one, everyone that relys on unlock to have service LOL!