The iPhone Dev-Team have released the command line interface (CLI) version of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak to the public. This new CLI Jailbreak Tool will allow users to go through the Jailbreaking process from start to end by typing in commands through Terminal. The reason someone would want to go to the trouble of using CLI over the GUI (graphical user interface) counterpart Absinthe. Is because the CLI tool will allow you to debug your Jailbreak to help find out why you are having errors Jailbreaking your A5 iOS device.
If you are interested in downloading the CLI tool to debug your A5 iOS device Jailbreak or simply want to take advantage of some of the advanced options CLI offers. You can download the CLI tool and the ReadMe for the CLI tool from the iJailbreak Downloads Section.
At this time CLI is only offered for the Mac OS X operating system. We will keep you updated on the progress of the Windows version of CLI.
Update #1: Download CLI Windows Untethered Jailbreak
Yesterday we told you that the iPhone Dev-Team released a command line interface (CLI) version of their iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak. As of the time of writing that article yesterday, CLI was only available for Mac OS X users. Now, however, hacker MuscleNerd has mentioned that CLI is available for Windows users that will allow them to Jailbreak their iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered running the iOS 5.0 (iPhone 4S only) or iOS 5.0.1 firmware by typing in commands through terminal (CMD).
Generally Jailbreak solutions are released with a GUI (graphical user interface), but as the A5 Untethered Jailbreak proved to be one of the most complicated Jailbreaks ever developed, it looks like Windows users will be stuck using the command line version of the tool until Absinthe is properly updated.
If you would like to download CLI for Windows please visit the iJailbreak Downloads Section. We will have a how to guide available for using CLI for Windows to Jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 Untethered. In the mean time please stay tuned and leave any questions or thoughts in the comments section below.
Update #1: How To Jailbreak iPhone 4S / iPad 2 Untethered On iOS 5.0, 5.0.1 With CLI
You gotta be kidding me wtf I’ve been waiting for any windows version jailbreak and they release another for OS X ?? This is bullshit….why are they making everything a wait, I’m sure there will Be other things that they can blog about instead procrastinating this shit
wow are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!? another jailbreak for mac only? fuck the developers
What is wrong with you unappreciative fucks?!
I hope you brick your phones. t(-_-t)
You guys are idiots this was out before absinthe was get your facts right before you start bithing…….oh yea are you one of the dev that pushed this thu.. no u didnt quit your bitching
fuck you! you come up with a jb for windows if you want it so bad un appreciative prick!
I do think they should have waited and released them both at the same time to be fair. but seriously they spent allot of time to make these jailbreaks, so seriously stop complaining.
the only thing i wanna come up, is right into your mothers asshole
Yeah that’s real nice and everything, but maybe it’s time you had a nap.
Yea its a wait but with so much wait already done a few more days won’t (shouldn’t) matter .. also you can always create a virtual OS and jailbreak it and it has been done and works the same.
boom got my 4s jailbroken…..happily installing tweaks from cydia now :)
so how do i use this??????????????????? is the absinthe closing unexpectedly on mac os for anyone??
I find it funny how people are like fuck the developers and how dare they make us wait…. I cannot wait to get this update for windows but you got to be pretty stupid to bitch about how “slow” its being developed. No one is paying for this shit we get it for free stop the dam bitching. Everyone bitching but they wouldnt donate a dam dollar to the programmers. Like do you seriously think these guys dont have a life or anything else to do. the shit will be out when its fucking out you dont like it go get an android pain in the ass people. shut the fuck up!!