This morning the Evad3rs did something that caught us all way off guard. They released the Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 7. The tool used to Jailbreak iOS 7 Untethered is called Evasi0n7 (official website) and is compatible with all iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iPad Mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.4.
If you are currently running any variation of iOS 6 so that you could maintain your Jailbreak you are now safe to update to iOS 7. With this said, however, you may want to hold off due to the amount of bugs currently associated with the Jailbreak.
These aren’t any ordinary bugs you usually expect with a Jailbreak release either, the Evad3rs didn’t notify any Jailbreak developers, including the creator of Cydia, that they were releasing their Untethered iOS 7 Jailbreak this weekend so hardly anything is compatible.
If you manage to install Cydia on your home screen, relax and wait for packages to be updated or you’ll find yourself in boot loops.
— Thientam Bach (@Surenix) December 22, 2013
*Every* tweak does use Mobile Substrate. Stay away from the jailbreak for a bit until a fix/update is available.
— Filippo Bigarella (@FilippoBiga) December 22, 2013
Do not jailbreak your device if it has been OTA-updated. Do not install anything from Cydia if you’ve just jailbroken. Wait for the update!
— Filippo Bigarella (@FilippoBiga) December 22, 2013
BREAKING: iOS 7 JailBREAK actually BREAKS your devices. Easily.
— Tom Richardson (@Tom_Rich_) December 22, 2013
The bottom line is make sure you backup your device before attempting to Jailbreak with early builds of Evasi0n7 because the chances of something going wrong are high. Pod2G did state over Twitter, however, “we are working heavily on fixing first issues with the initial release of the jailbreak. We have and we’ll update the FAQ on the website.” As such you can expect things to correct themselves shortly.
One thing to note though before you start the Jailbreak process is if you updated your device to a version of iOS 7 over-the-air (OTA) you will have to back up your device and then do a full restore to the latest version of iOS 7.
Download Evasi0n7 Untethered iOS 7 Jailbreak
With all of that said you can download Evasi0n7 from the iJailbreak Downloads Section or from the direct links shown below.
- Mac OS X:, mega
- Windows:, mega
You can follow our official How To guide for Jailbreaking with Evasi0n7 on Mac OS X and Windows here.
Don’t Miss More Coverage On Evasi0n7:
You guys are so late these days, this isn’t news. It’s more like a repeat of duplicate of other news articles from cNet and so. I would suggest for you guys to actually have some links, for example, follow the evad3rs on twitter.
Awesome, would be good if they released the 6.1.3-6.1.5 JB though cuz I have an iPad 2,4 on 6.1.3 waiting for the jailbreak because I don’t like iOS 7 on iPad ( i tried it in its beta stages) and I’m worried that iOS 7 is gonna be slow like the iPhone 4 cuz it has an old processor.
works perfectly on my 32GB iPhone 5s. some of my favourite tweaks don’t work like Five-Column Springboard but most other things work perfectly.
iPad 2? Nope. Got one on iOS 7. Runs very nice and smooth. It has an A5 chip after all, not A4 (like an iPhone 4)