It is no doubt the new 1080p Apple TV 3G has pleased those searching for a full HD media streaming solution from Apple. The only individuals who are not as pleased with the Apple TV 3G are those who thought a Jailbreak would follow shortly after its release. With Pod2G releasing the iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak, again I think a lot of people were disappointed there was no support for the Apple TV 3G. The reason why an Apple TV 3G Jailbreak has not been released however, is simply because the surface area to exploit on the Apple TV 3G is so small.
Both the FireCore Dev-Team and other hackers in the Jailbreaking community have mentioned not to give up hope as there is ongoing progress being made. Although there is no ETA (estimated time of arrival) for the Apple TV 3G Jailbreak at least you have the peace of mind that something is being actively worked on.
Recently, hacker @NitoTV has been tweeting about a hoax currently fooling people into thinking the 1080p Apple TV 3G Jailbreak has been released. He has not provided a link to the hoax, but apparently the individuals behind it have copied an official Seas0nPass post and has reworded to make it sounds like Seas0nPass has been released for the Apple TV 3G.
As always, if anything, this is a good reminder not to trust information from a 3rd party source you have never heard of before. Make sure that you get your news from the official developers (in this case FireCore) or from a reliable news outlet such as ourselves.
Another interesting tidbit of information from one of @NitoTV tweets is that the method for Jailbreaking your Apple TV 3G will most likely not be based on custom ipsw restores. Instead a new tool will most likely be released with a new UI (user interface) that will Jailbreak your Apple TV 3G using a method similar to that of RedSn0w or Absinthe.
In conclusion, no an Apple TV 3G Jailbreak has not been released, and make sure you always double check information from an official source. Are you waiting on an Apple TV 3G Jailbreak? Share your responses and further thoughts in the comments section below…
Yep still waiting 4 a JB, I won 1 from IJAILBREAK, i have a lot off fun with it. But a JB will make it intresting.
People say Apple is going to introduce a new iOS for the AppleTV tomorrow… as it seems to be, it will add new features to the software, like third-party apps. Does it mean the iOS for AppleTV is getting more complex so more chances to JB???? I guess YES!
I guess I’ll keep waiting, thank you guys for the hard work.
how much more time to wait? I bought the Apple TV 3G (3rd generation) the minute they sold it, back in March. Till now JB (:
So disappointed, i really thought something would be out by now, looks like it’s much tougher to crack… I’ll prob sell and buy an older gen via ebay
disappointed; my friends have gotten Apple TV Gen4 and Gen2 jailbreak
solutions. they’re both really happy. i guess fire stick. please shout out immediately if JB is released overnight.;(