The reasons to jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad seem to be getting smaller and smaller by the day. This has to do with Apple implementing a lot of concepts and ideas from the jailbreaking community.
Today another, but greatly controversial, reason gets crossed off that list — Installous.
The creators of Installous, Hackulous have announced that it will be shutting down. The reason being that their forums have become a “ghost town” and as a result it has been difficult to keep going. You can read the official statement from the Hackulous team in the quoted area below.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
We are very sad to announce that Hackulous is shutting down. After many years, our community has become stagnant and our forums are a bit of a ghost town. It has become difficult to keep them online and well-moderated, despite the devotion of our staff. We’re incredibly thankful for the support we’ve had over the years and hope that new, greater communities blossom out of our absence.
Hackulous shutting down may come as a surprise to a lot of people, but really when you look at the facts it was inevitable. First of all, AppTrackr, the main database of cracked iOS apps started feeling the wrath of Apple and began receiving takedown notices. Secondly, with no iOS 6 Jailbreak in sight, the Jailbreak community is dwindling in numbers. It likely became not worth the time of Installous’ developers to continue improving it to make it stable on iOS 6.
This is not to say that it is the end of cracked iOS apps. There is always going to be someone who will take up the project into their own hands, but it is definitely some surprising news to say the least.
What do you think of the end of Installous? Let us know in the comments section below.
This sucks ass. Really. Sad day for the shadow community.
oh this diclouse it most find another way to fix instalous
how I will not have a reason to buy apple stuff anymore
it was starting to suck anyway, its time for vShare (way better than installous )
nooooo!!!! i spent like $5000 worth of stuff from installous y would they shut it down.
meh I went to Android. No need to jail break, everything i need to customise can be customised
How do you spend stuff with Installous if all apps are cracked and free. If you mean’t you had $5000 stuff worth of cracked apps then you can always abckup the installous debian package and cracked apps and use SSH
Saddest News of the year..!! >_<
Installous U will be missed alot..!!
ISO will be end
Android will be the future
Yes Installous U will be missed!
Noooooooooooooooooo! I was about to update cod blackops zombies why hackulos why :(
hope someone finds something fast and as good as installous. please !!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :(
Its a sad but also a good news, reduce piracy and another good reason to go for android..My iPhone looks nice and can do more as my paper weight…
Sad but good news i guess,
I will support any project let you TEST the app for 1 day then you have to buy it
I miss install0us!!! No jailbreak for iOS 6 is not a valid reason to shut down. The last few jailbreaks have taken a bit longer, but it will come. I still can’t believe install0us is gone. I’m using vshare now, but it just isn’t the same. Install0s, you will be missed.
used it for many years before i moved on to android.. RIP instal0us you will be missed