Few days ago, we told you about the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) helping in keeping jailbreaking legal. This was in regard to the expiration of the Jailbreaking exemption to the DMCA added on July 2010. Now, it’s high time that users who support jailbreaking and want to continue jailbreaking to take action and send your comments to the Copyright offices in the United States.
We told you to send your comments by filling out a certain form available on EFF’s website. You can help even more by signing a new petition started by EFF itself and lead by Bunnie Huang, the author of Hacking the Xbox. By signing the petition, you will be supporting the letter written by Bunnie Huang to the Copyright office and thus increase the chances of making jailbreaking legal again and not let the exemption expire.
You can go to JailbreakingIsNotAcrime to sign the petition and help support the cause. There are only 13 days left to submit this petition to the office and only 11000 signatures have been submitted at the time of writing. If you want to enjoy jailbreaking your iOS devices, Android devices, Game consoles and more, then you should sign the petition. I did… how about you?
How do you submit a signature? Went to website and wasn’t able to do it.
agreed that jailbreaking isn’t a crime!