Yesterday we told you that Apple’s engineers were working on fixing their activation servers. The reason this is significant is because it means the SAM unlocking solution will no longer function once Apple has finished patching all of their servers.
Sure enough it looks like today is the day that the SAM iPhone unlocking solution ceases to function as we have received numerous emails and comments here on with disappointed people not having any luck following our how to guide. I have even tried to repeat the procedure I used to originally unlock my iPhone and have had no luck activating it on an unofficial SIM card. Although I can’t officially say the SAM iPhone unlocking solution is no longer valid, I am sure it will only be a matter of time before we hear from a member of the iPhone Dev-Team on the matter.
For those of you who were lucky enough to unlock your iPhone with SAM when the activation server flaw was still in place you should back up your activation tickets (if you have not already done so). Once you back up your activation tickets you will still be able to unlock your iPhone even if you have to restore it in the future. If you need help, see our guides on backing up activation tickets manually or with RedSn0w.
Did you manage to unlock your iPhone with SAM before it was too late? Please share your replies and further thoughts or questions in the comments section below…
Yeah i unlock my iPhone 4 v5.0.1 bb 4.11.08 and i already back-up the tickets using redsnow.
I did it with my 4s and it is sad that no longer works :/ for others!!!!
i did unlock my iPhone 4s with sam, if i change card with same operator, then its works or not, i have backup tickets..
i unlocked 59 phones so im str8 but it sucks for others
yes I did unlock 3 iphone 4 baseband 4.11.08 ios 5.0.1 and one iphone 4s baseband ios 5.0.1 worked like magic the said news is I have 2 more to go and the server is been blocked already DAMN
Can you cinfir when did you unlock your phone ?
I was lucky enough to get mine sim unlocked; what worries me is, this unlock is for this specific sim card :(
I was one of the lucky ones. Though due to a stupid mistake of mine i restored my phone through itunes and now my jailbreak is gone. so no cydia anymore :(
If i jailbreak my phone again will it remain unlocked or do I have to do the sam process again that now no longer works?
Or do I leave it alone as it is unbackupped?
give me some backup tickets so i can unlock mine
I had my iphone unlocked before they shut it down. That being said, is it possible that at&t will go through and shut down each phone that is using SAM currently?
I also just backed up my ticket.
i dont understand, what should i do after unlock it?
can i change my sim to another locked carrier.. coz ive already unlock one carrier using SAM tool
does any one know if you can unlock an iphone with a ticket from some else saved ticket? if so can some upload their ticket
I unlocked the exact some # of iphones and models lol.. and i also have to 2 more to unlock.. does anybody know when they will find a way to unlock again?
shit …. wot to do now ??? i jst missed unlock… :'( any more chance to unlock??????
Hi there any luck finding another solution os is this working i have a iphone 4 that needs to be unlocked anybody wants to share tickets with me?
hey i hv restored my iphone activation ticket via Cookie…not m enable to recive ne calls or msg… it is showing signals bar…pls help mee out…