Over the past few days a lot of people have been trying to install Cydia tweaks with no avail due to MobileSubstrate and other important frameworks not yet being updated to support iOS 7. Although we showed you guys a solution to getting tweaks to work on iOS 7, this quick fix does not work with A7 devices due to it being 64-bit versus 32-bit.
For those of you who are new to the Jailbreaking community though it is probably hard for you to understand why MobileSusbstrate is so important, and the answer is because it is a framework for code modification that most Jailbreak tweaks rely on due to simplicity.
Once this new version of MobileSubstrate is released developers will have to recompile their tweaks and extensions for both 32-bit variants of iOS and 64-bit variants of iOS, just like normal iOS developers must do to their official App Store apps.
Jay Freeman, better known by his alias of Saurik, is currently hard at work on the update and recently spoke about the technical details of the change.
All of Apple’s programs are [now] 64-bit and will require 64-bit extensions. Luckily, an extension can trivially be both 32-bit and 64-bit in the same way apps can, but this will require the developer to recompile them.
He further went on to give a more technical explanation of MobileSubstrate:
Substrate is a platform for injecting code into another process, and a library that injected code can use to modify its host program. Any “tweak” that is in fact a “substrate extension” (or anything attempting to be remotely as powerful as a substrate extension) will have to be recompiled.
The reason why some tweaks, however, and others are incompatible is because a Substrate extension is “code that runs in a process and extends its behaviour and modifies its logic,” whereas a Jailbreak tweak could be something as simple as a package that modifies a .plist file.
No ETA was given by Saurik, so we will have to just sit tight until the update drops.
Guys. If you have both Activator and Mobile Substrate, just delete Activator and reinstall Mobile Substrate and voila your Cydia tweaks work.
Work for 5s ?
Nah! Nothing works for iPhone 5S yet.
I have multiple tweaks working on my iPhone 5S… I have movie box running fine on my phone as well with iCleaner Pro and SNES4iphone but I can’t get other tweaks like swipeselection or HiddenSettings7 to work… It appears to be an issue with Prefrence Loader for me. As Tweaks that show in settings aren’t visible or perhaps it’s to do with mobile substrate as well. I’ve heard other people reinstalling preference loader and it’fine but I believe that video I seen was not for an iPhone 5S.
There has just been a package that was released called “MobileSubtrate Fix iOS 7″… I wonder if that will help A7 devices with some sort if fix? I’m sort of afraid to download it… But I suppose it’s worth a shot. Or I’m gonna try to reinstall preference loader to see if that shows the packages that aren’t showing up in my settings page.
No “fix” makes Substrate compatible with 5s. The tweaks you have working are the ones that that don’t use Substrate. Don’t try to fix it until Saurik releases the update, which should be soon.
Those are not “Tweaks”, they are just apps. Tweaks are what change the functionality of your iOs or other apps. “MovieBox” and such are just apps and not “Tweaks” so yes we all know that some apps are running on the 5s but nothing that dpends on “Mobile Substrate” is working on 64 arm yet or “5s”. “Mobile Terminal, AppAddict, VShare, AppSync for iOs7, VLC Player, ReSpring for ios, MovieBox, Music Box, iStreamnet, and even iFile;with some issues, is working on my 5s but no “Tweaks yet” :( Also NO “MobileSubstrate Fix” does NOT work on 5s and it has very high chance to screw up native apps so I would NOT recommend it.