One of the reasons recently that a lot of people Jailbreak their older generation iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad is to enable Siri functionality. Enabling Siri on older generation iOS devices can ultimately be one of the most rewarding experiences, and arguably one of the most frustrating experiences (the latter applies to most people).

For those of you who speak Russian…
For those of you who have upgraded to the iOS 6 firmware generation, and have had success Jailbreaking using our unofficial method, you might be wondering if Siri has been ported to iOS 6 or not. Well, the good news is that it indeed has been by the folks over at Last week the group released a video showcasing Siri running on an iPhone 4 with iOS 6 installed, and you can check it out below.
I have had nothing but bad luck trying to get Siri to run on my iPhone 4, so I will not be testing this out regardless of the fact that I am Jailbroken on iOS 6. For those of you who are more daring however, you can actually head on over to the official website for this iOS 6 Siri port and follow the official instructions. Apparently it works on the iPhone 4 (GSM/CDMA), iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G and iPod Touch 3G.
Update #1: How To: Install Siri On iPhone 4/3GS, iPod Touch 4G/3G Running iOS 6 With SiriPort (Original)
I can confirm that it works but there are still a few bugs that need to be ironed out. It is only a beta though
It works for the most part, but, the settings under Siri are missing on 2 devices Ive tried it on.. the 5.1.1 version worked great on 5.1.1 though.
after i downloaded the certificate i reboot and my phone bricks up any insight please email me at with iunlock in subject line