If you have not at least heard of SOPA or PIPA I would be very surprised. The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA for short) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA for short) is currently trying to be introduced into congress and is receiving a heavy amount of negative attention. The reason being, this Act would change the Internet as we know it and give the government unprecedented new powers to take down any website without going through court whatsoever. All that would be required to take down a website, that is supposedly is breaking copyright laws, would be a simple letter and without warning the website could be blocked by your ISP or taken off Google search results.
It is due to these scary facts about SOPA that large Internet websites such as Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, and Google have begun protesting. Even with such large websites protesting against SOPA they need your help or the Act could very well be passed and change the Internet as we all have come to know it. And if you are thinking SOPA will not effect the Jailbreaking community you are wrong. As hacker P0sixNinja has pointed out in a tweet SOPA will directly effect the Jailbreaking Community. In fact, if SOPA is passed it is safe to say that Jailbreaking would cease to exist because Jailbreaking would become illegal under SOPA.
This means websites like iJailbreak.com would have to stop reporting on Jailbreak related news, dev-teams could not produce anymore Jailbreaks and this once buzzing community would come to an end. So what are you waiting for? The senate will being voting on January 24th, 2012, and if you are an American citizen then you need to urge congress to vote NO to SOPA and PIPA before it is too late! Even if you are not an American citizen then you need to spread the word and sign the numerous petitions circulating around the web.
For more information about SOPA and PIPA we recommend checking out this dedicated page created by Google by clicking here. For immediate action we recommend calling or at the least emailing your respected congressmen.
Please leave your thoughts about SOPA and PIPA in the comments section below…
can’t believe it
It’s actually the Stop Online Piracy Act, not Privacy. Though it does take away our privacy… I am very much against both it and PIPA. I hope the blackout made some people realize how dumb it really is.
I guess jailbreak itself does not have anything illegal, downloading apps on jailbreak is illegai, I understand, I personally do made jailbreak for tweaks. And the idea of making jailbreak illegal sucks. I hate being trapped in iOS without ability to change smng as I with to and jailbreak is the only way to alternate my OS.
thank god i live in canada but if it were to pass it will have effect on us
Then I could just do it because it is not illegal in Sweden to do that^^ Sad that every jailbreak channel comes from the US but there are more jailbreakers then just the US, so send me the file and I will just upload it!
“In fact, if SOPA is passed it is safe to say that Jailbreaking would cease to exist because Jailbreaking would become illegal”
Right…just like software piracy has stopped just because it is illegal…
Nooo do never never and never again jailbreak illegal
So we have until Janurary 23rd to have an iPhone 4s and iPad 2 jailbreak.