Jailbreaking an iOS device is considered illegal, unsafe and as voiding warranty by most iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users. In reality, jailbreaking is very safe, it is not illegal and it will not void your iDevices’ warranty.
A redditor by the username of Q-Quan has created a nice infographic showing the advantages of jailbreaking an iOS device. You can do plenty of things after jailbreaking your device. You can change the appearance of its interface, you can add tweaks that give better functionality and a lot more. If you’re worried about warranty, you can always go back by performing a fresh restore. No one will ever know that your iOS device was jailbroken. There’s a Safe mode for when things go bad, specially unstable tweaks. And as long as you don’t download tweaks, apps etc from a pirated store, your iOS device should be safe.
Check out the full infographic below:
Still have your doubts on iOS jailbreaking? Ask away in the comments.
This is pretty good.
An advertisement for Jailbreaking? :) They have never needed any ;)
This is how you know, that many (like me) stopped using any Jailbrakes, because Apple implemented all the tweaks, that were needed, into the vanilla OS.
The main reason left for Jailbreaking are the alternative Springboard designs. However I am fine how it is now :)
Has a tweak been created to mimic the landscape functionality of the 6+, yet? I know there were options in the past, but I’m looking for the specific GUI of the 6+.
Little Brother
What’s the theme name which is setup by shoeswithsouls
Maybe telling us the tweaks that go from this to that would be helpful?
Back on iOS4/5/6 I’d used Rotator.