A new upcoming TouchID Cydia tweak will make all Mac owners who don’t have an iPhone 5S, head down to the Apple store after reading this article. A new Cydia tweak is being developed called BioUnlock from Eric Castro that will let you unlock your Mac utilizing nothing more than your iPhone’s TouchID fingerprint sensor. You simply configure one fingerprint to unlock your Mac and another to unlock the phone itself.
All you will have to do to get this tweak working is install an application on the Mac, install the tweak from Cydia, and then pair the two devices. Once you map the fingerprints to their respected functions you will be good to go.
So just when can you expect BioUnlock to touch down on Cydia?
Castro has stated that the basic unlocking functionalities are completed, but the iOS and OS X apps still need some polishing before they will be ready for public consumption.
Who’s excited for this tweak? Drop us a line in the comments section below.
AWESOME! way better than putting a letter based password! and at least you can use either your normal password or your iphone 5s