The news surrounding the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak seems to be increasing in quantity everyday. In fact, today some interesting news came from Pod2G on his blog about the iPad 2 being Jailbroken (Untethered) on the iOS 5.0.1 firmware. The strange thing was, however, this blog post written by Pod2G was taken down shortly after leaving many wondering what happened. Regardless of why this happened, one thing is for sure. The A5 Untethered Jailbreak will definitely be released, it is now just a question of when.
BigBoss sent out a nice reminder today that Apple is sure to release the iOS 5.1 firmware or at least the iOS 5.0.2 firmware to patch the A4 Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak. Unlike the iOS 4 firmware generation when as long as you updated to a higher firmware version than the one you are running everything was fine. With the iOS 5 firmware generation, unless you update to the iOS 5.0.1 firmware on your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 now you will only be able to update to the latest iOS firmware (iOS 5.1/iOS 5.0.2) that will not be Jailbreakable. This will mean you will lose out on Jailbreaking your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 Untethered on the iOS 5 firmware generation possibly forever. Thus, it is important you update your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 to the iOS 5.0.1 firmware if you plan on Jailbreaking it before Apple stops signing the iOS 5.0.1 firmware.
What are you waiting for? The time has come to finally backup the content on your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 and update to the iOS 5.0.1 firmware before it is too late! For a guide on updating to the iOS 5.0.1 firmware you can click here (obviously update to the iOS 5.0.1 firmware, however, instead of the iOS 5.0 firmware discussed in that particular how to). For those with questions or thoughts relating to the topic discussed in this article please leave them in the comments section below…
If I was waiting on a jailbreak option before I buy my iPhone 4s, will this mean I won’t be able to jailbreak? That would suck on so many levels…
Even if you have TinyUmbrella, do you still need to update now?
Why would it be too late? You could download the 5.0.1 and update it manually through itunes, rigt?
i think with the ios 5.x you can only update to what is currently out by apple, so say your on 5.0 or lower, if apple bring out 5.1 or 5.0.2 then you cant just download the 5.0.1 and use that, thats what im assuming from all whats said
i was thinking the same, it has no sense at all the post wrote here!
You’re right, you can maybe downgrade then to 5.0.1 IF you have SHSH blobs saved
If the iPhone 4S is on a higher firmware version than iOS 5.0.1 when you purchase it, then unfortunately yes.
5.0.1 – 9A405 or 9A406 does it matter ?
u cant just update it manually once apple stop signing for 5.0.1
And what about us who still use the good old regular iphone
4 with iOS 5.0.1? We’re good as long as our phones don’t crash? :)
One is iPhone 4s an other iPad2
Jarden, like you wrote on ijailbreak site, is confirmed JB for iPad 2 or not. I have little mess on it… I am still on 4.3.3 and now i am worry if upgrade or not. PLS tell me what will be.
LEAP of FAITH, I upgraded from. 4.3.3 to 5.0.1 and have no regrets. Follow the crowd. If I end up with a non-jailbroken iPad, then so be it. THANKS to all the people who worked hard for us to get a JB.
But i dont see that information in another place, is like here is the only place that i saw this…
well, u learn something new then
nope, 9A406 should fix sim-error that some carriere had got, I had got them both on my iPhone 4S, just wondering if it should be a specific one. or they both will be available with this upcoming jailbreak.
Is it important to preserve baseband from 5.0 to 5.0.1?
There will be an iPad 2 Jailbreak. I know it might seem risky, but you have to trust us and update before its too late.
No. In the iOS 5 firmware generation you cannot just manually update to whatever firmware you want. The only firmware you can upgrade to is the latest firmware Apple is signing. So EVEN IF upgrading to iOS 5.0.1 is upgrading for you, but Apple is not signing iOS 5.0.1 then you cannot upgrade to iOS 5.0.1. You can only upgrade to iOS 5.0.2 or iOS 5.1 (whatever firmware Apple releases). You may not see it on other sites Marcosteson, but this is definitely the case. Choose to do what you wish, but you guys have been warned.
I have ipad2 n my firmware is 4.3.5 , do I need to upgrade mine one to or should I wait
Should I save blobs for this firmware
thank you for your answer! But I don’t know…. I will wait till the end of this week, I hope Apple don’t release new 5.1 IPSW… :-((((( Risk like ALL IN in POKER – I like poker :-)))))
I understand the fact that Apple will patch Corona by releasing an update. This is unavoidable. However, I believe that Apple’s resources at this time are for 5.1. In the past the expiry date gives you an idea as to when the next beta or the GM will be released. It has been confirmed that 5.1 b3 will expire in March 2012.
For instance iOS5.0.1 b2 expired Dec 14, 2011. When was the official publicly released? Two or three days before it expired?
Now, I believe it is wise for anybody other an iPad2’s on IOS4.3.3 to upgrade to iOS5.0.1. If you are anything other than an iPad 2 or Iphone 4S, then upgrade and jailbreak. But I still don’t think that Apple will drop the bomb or a new release without anybody knowing and don’t give at least a three days windows of 5.0.1 signing.
My advice is: If you are anybody, but an iPad 2 with a perfectly working 4.3.3 jailbreak, to go ahead and upgrade. If you are an iPad 2 with 4.3.3 and jailbroken with Jailbreakme, then stay tuned to the GM release – that is a sign that the final version will be released a week or two later. Or stay tuned to when a final update is released. Historically, apple gives on average around 5 days or signing that allows to upgrade to the iOS version immediately preceding the one updated.
My 2c
well hopefully we’ll see a Jailbreak before too long !!!