Seven years ago, Apple launched the first ever iPhone 2G, which went on to revolutionize the smartphone industry. Now, seven years later, Apple has launched their biggest upgrade to the iPhone yet. The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have the largest screens of all the iPhones. A lot has changed in seven years, such as performance and specifications. Here’s a speed comparison between the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 3G and the iPhone 2G.
The video was uploaded by the YouTube channel EverythingApplePro, and although you’d expect the new iPhone 6 Plus and the iPhone 6 to top all the tests, you’ll be fairly surprised by the results. A boot up, shutdown, Geekbench and Webpage loading test is performed on all the iPhone models.
Apple’s new iPhone 6 models ace all the tests, but the iPhone 5s is still just as quick as the newer models. The iPhone 4 seems to be the slowest of all the devices, running on iOS 7. Here, watch the full 4 minute video:
We would like to thank the YouTube user who performed this test, it’s a nice look at where Apple has come in seven years.
Wow, throw in a pause between sentences. Jesus that was hard to listen to.