Following a report that not all Macs will run the new version of OS X 10.8, it has been discovered by 9to5Mac that apparently even those that will run Mountain Lion won’t have all the features available.
As shown in the picture, the option for AirPlay Mirroring is not available on the right hand screen which is a 2010 MacBook Pro with a 2.66 GHz processor and 4GB of RAM – not exactly a slow machine. It seems the feature is being limited on some Macs and not others, and the dependancy for this restriction seems to be unknown at present.
Do you have OS X 10.8 beta installed? Is AirPlay Mirroring enabled on your Mac? Let us know in the comments section below.
Note: Remember that you need Apple TV 5B2 firmware on your Apple TV for this to work.
2011 MBA 4GB RAM i5 AirPlay is working on mine
2011 MBP 2.7ghz i7 8gb ram working. need appletv 5.1b2 though can anyone send me the file?
Apple said Airplay Mirroring is only available on 2nd generation Intel Core processors.
imac 2009 – airplay not working
MBP 2010 i7 2,66 8Gb not working (
MBP 6,1 (i7 2.66 8GB) option not available either!
imac i7 2010 not available!!!
MacBook Pro 2010 i5 is not available!
imac 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 ==> not available
yeah macbook pro 13 inch intel airplay option not available..i have the latest appletv running iOS 5
iMac 27″ late 2009 i7 2.8ghz not working.
apple can suck it with their planned obsolescence
iMac 2010 i3 3.06. I have the option to enable AirPlay, but it doesn’t detect the ATV, Works on friend’s MBAir, so the ATV seemingly has the correct iOS installed.
Kinda pissed off about this. There are only minute differences between Sandy Bridge and Naehlem (or whatever the previous gen was called). And AirParrot works fine… don’t really see why Apple have added this restriction!
Hopefully it’s only for the preview…
Macbook air 2012 Available, woohooo
“I’m his vvv friend”
imac I3 3.2 GHz not available
mac book pro 2.4 intel core 2 memory 4 GB is not available.
macbook pro 2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB > not available
I think we have to wait Apple release it after that we will knoe exactly
nobody read the tech specs on Apples site for ML it seems? mid 2011 and newer macs are the only models supported. Highly doubt this will change for release.
And you don’t read the dates on this article and its comments? They are from months ago. Those spec requirements just went up last week.
same story i have the same macbook pro late 2010 and gm mL so apple tv3 all not working may it work public release thanks
I’m running Mac OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion ( latest beta ) with an IMAC 2.8 GHZ intel Core i5. The airplay feature will NOT work. What is up with this? I think Apple is becoming like Microsoft… greedy. Is this apple’s way of saying I should buy a new computer ? A computer that in my mind works well.. is fast enough and SHOULD have the airplay option. Anyone know if I’m doing something wrong? When I go to the settings in display there is no option for turning airplay on.
MCP late 2010 i7 2,66 ghz not working. :-(
MCP late 2010 i7 2,66 GHZ. 8 GB RAM, SSD HD, ETC. not worikng, apple suck it! :-(
ITS CLEAR… Apple wants you to upgrade your computer. They have become everything I hated about other companies. GREEDY…. I predict a bad fall for this company. Arrogance is never rewarded. I was going to buy a new iphone but went with the Samsung Galaxy which upgrades its OS 5-6 times a year !
Mid 2010 27″ i5. Complete BS that this option is not avail. At lease ML was only 19bucks. Debating weather it was even worth it. Should have been posted on the “Advertisement Page” properly.
Apologize for misusing the proper word for whether.
I really don’t think Apple’s being “greedy” here and deliberately excluding models from AirPlay just to compel upgrades (and I say that as someone who’s mid-2010 MBP with 2.66 Ghz Intel Core i7 is narrowly excluded.) That seems too… simple-minded. The feature apparently relies on QuickSync which is only available in Intel’s Sandy Bridge processors. Apple won’t include a feature if they can’t guarantee it will operate on the best level, and perhaps they were disappointed with it’s performance on older models. They’re offering iOS 6 for 3GS iPhones, ferchrissakes! Maybe they’re not being greedy and they’re just being sticklers for perfection like they always have been, and has directed them towards such success. I feel like Apple would have *liked* to say that all features work on all machines that are ML-compatible, but couldn’t, when they couldn’t get AirPlay Mirroring to work on the older CPUs as well as it worked on the Sandy Bridge ones.
All those affected by this disappointing news can find solace in AirParrot. I’m using it here and it works pretty well. Quells the desire to buy a whole new laptop just for that one feature alone, at least.
macbook pro late 2010 , 2.66GHz, intel core i7, 8GB RAM,
airplay mirroring NOT AVAILABLE : – / so disappointed honestly…
Mac Book pro 17 inch Mid 2010
Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MBAirPlay.. Not working :(This is BS
iMac i3 4GB RAM – Not working :/
Just installed Mountain Lion, and there’s no support for Airplay on my MBP (2008). The apple website says only models 2011 or newer will work.
I have a mbp Dec 2010 model and mountain lion installed on it.. Still i am unable to use airplay.. Any suggestions or solutins will be appreciated…
2.53GHz intel core 2, 4 GB ram, purchased Jan 2010, no airplay
wife has a 2.3 GHz intel core i5, 4 GB ram, purchased August 2011, has airplay
mac book pro 2.4 intel core 2 memory 8 GB is not available.
This is because “Dec 2010” is earlier than “Jan 2011” so your Mac isn’t new enough. Didn’t make the cutoff. Try AirParrot instead.
Check website:
AirPlay MirroringRequires a second-generation Apple TV or later. Supports the following Mac models:iMac (Mid 2011 or newer)Mac mini (Mid 2011 or newer)MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer)MacBook Pro (Early 2011 or newer)
iMac 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo don’t work :s
Is there a way to enable this option by the terminal?
macbook white mid 2009 does not work too :-(
macbook pro mid 2010 2.4 GHz intel core 2 duo…not working
A 12-Core 2010 MacPro with a 1GB ATI 5870 Video Card & 24GB of RAM doesn’t support mirroring as of 10.8.0. Seriously?
Not working on an early 2008 Macbook Pro =( I bought 10.8 specifically for mirroring!
Very annoyed. I’m running a MacBook Air that I bought in August 2011. Airplay works beautifully. My iMac (2.93 GHz Intel Core i7) bought in January 2011 does not. This was THE major reason to upgrade.
Actually you needed some newer features that Intel added to their processors in 2011. Blame Intel more than Apple.
Just installed OS 10.8 Mountain Lion on my and my wife MacBook Pro. Airplay works fine on mine (15″ i7 2.00 GHZ) but not shown on the toolbar on my wife (13″ Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZ). Any idea why?
Not working.. mac book white 13″ and my os x 10.8 buying en app store
I have a MacBook Air from late 2010 and it’s not to enabled on this!!!
This is very bad for Apple, i think!!! IT SUKS
Funny how apple couldn’t make it work yet you’re suggesting to use AirParrot. This is clearly a money making scheme and only the fanboys are defending apples position here. If MS did something similar we would be hearing about the EVIL M$ corporation ripping everyone off. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the same thing as the iPhone 4 Siri exclusion even though its been proven that siri works on the iPhone 4.
Apple can make airplay work from my iPad 2 and iPhone 4 but not my mid 2010 MacBook Pro??? Sorry fanboys, this is Apple being a greedy company.
I’m very upset about this. My MBP is actually a bit better equipped than what you’re showing in the blog post. (2.66 i7 + 8Gb RAM + 7200rpm HDD) In fact I have the higher resolution model that came with extra dedicated memory on the discreet graphics, and it’s worth noting I can quite easily run Diablo III at 30fps on that mobile card. Why mother Apple thinks that’s not enough to do AirPlay but is plenty to do 1080p (and 5.1 audio simultaneously) over HDMI is beyond comprehension.
I have mountain lion in (2010 Dec. 26th)iMac 27″ i7 2,99Ghz (8cores)16Gb RAM 2Tb HDD and I can’t use Airplay,… No coments about this S****
This is BS. My wife’s iPad 2 does airplay mirroring Why can’t my 2010 MBP i7 2.66 (240gb SSD, 8gb ram, 512mb graphics card)
Your an idiot. It’s pure greed. All of us didn’t pay for ML to find solace in AirParrot.
I agree with what you are saying here and i am also disgusted, disappointed and frustrated but i don’t think air parrot works the same as airplay as it creates a local server on your computer and streams the image across your network, but you do make a valid point that if the iPhone 3gs can airplay why can’t the iMac
Imac half 2010, 4mb ram, 3.2 Ghz Intel Core i3, airplay mirroring NOT AVAILABLE
macbook late 2009 not working
Damn Apple to H… with their screwed up business strategy of planned obsolescense. You’re screwing your customers – bought the Mountain Lion specifically for mirroring, but it does not work because of a desk decision. Such BullSh…
MacBook Pro 2010 Intel Core 2 Duo Airplay NOT WORKING
Mac Mini 2.3 i5 8GB RAM Working like a charm!
Kinda pissed off the one I use air play for is my laptop and I stream iTunes to my ATV all the time they should have not done that! I really don’t need it for my Mac Mini since I have a 27 inch Thunderbolt display….. FIX THIS APPLE LIKE NOW!!!!
we should sue apple because of it for all its fortune… lol
iMac i3 late 2010, 12GB RAM airplay mirroring NOT AVAILABLE. Deeply disappointed… :'(