Generally if you want an emulator on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad it requires you to Jailbreak your device or stumble upon one hidden in a regular App Store application. Now, however, there is a new way you can play retro games on your iOS Device thanks to webNES (via iPhonehacks).
webNES is a new NES emulator that’ll work on your iPhone even without a Jailbreak. You simply access the emulator from and it runs through mobile Safari allow you to play your favorite retro games like Mario.
To get up and running simply go to on your iOS Device and then the site should load up with a few NES games already pre-installed. You can of course add to your homescreen to make it feel like a native app.
If you don’t like the games pre-installed you can add your own NES ROMS from your dropbox account by tapping the + button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
When you tap a game listed it will bring you to a new screen where you will see a D-pad, the A, B, select and start buttons. You’re even able to tilt your device sideways into landscape mode.
The project is open source, so you can report any problems you see, and even contribute to it through the official GitHub page.
Although may not be as smooth as fully fledged native emulators it is an impressive project to say the least. Wouldn’t you agree?
The only emulators that you can download ar ones tha end in “.nes”